Rift, Vive, and Virtual Reality

No the screen is cheap, diamond pentile is cheap, you obviously don't have a clue on how it works, given you thinking there could be a possibility of the screens being more expensive that PSVR. look up diamond pentile and why it sucks for VR displays or any sub 500dpi screen in general.

The only way their screens are more expensive is if they were custom
produced (which they are not: given more that 33% of both screen surfaces are unused), in extremely low volumes, where the custom PSVR would be produced in really high volumes. Only then could they be more expensive.

You are asking yourself wether sapphire or regular glass in a watch is more expensive

Then please let's discuss,

Don't just saying how clueless I am (I am), don't just saying this is more expensive that is cheaper.

Why higher than 1080p resolution penile is cheaper than 1080p rgb?

It's like you are saying bike X is obviously cheaper than bike Y. And I should have known it. Because it's a obvious thing.

But I don't know.

Let's discuss
In theory, all the high-end VR screens should require a custom production run from existing fabs. None of them have specs that match any mass produced smartphone screens.

But... I am wondering if there could be an upcoming 5.7" smartphone using the same 1080p RGB screen of PSVR. Maybe sony could use it in the next xperia phablet to drive the volume and drop the cost.
In theory, all the high-end VR screens should require a custom production run from existing fabs.

StarVR actually uses two 5.5" screens at 2560*1440 and there's a whole bunch of phablets using such screens (e.g. LG G3 and G4).
People have been suggesting it must be ultra-expensive because of its screens, but at least that part may actually be cheaper than the competition.
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If you look up what diamond pentile means; and realise that VR optics blow up / zoom in on the screen; you understand why pentile has a lower resolution, and more/ a worst screen door effect because there is a actually a lot of black between all subpixels, whereas the custom PSVR display actually the largest possible subpixel/pixelgrid ratio.

Carmack is agreeing with me here:

And Carmack is a hired PR person for oculus. Now take into account the difference between 4k and 2560 is less than the difference between PSVR and rift/vive, and you understand why PSVR has superior optics.

Simple math; because diamond pentile uses fake pixels with rainbow artefacts on both sides, you only have about 66% of the advertised 'fake' resolution, this means the vertical resolution of the VIVE and Rift are not 1200 pixels, but rather 800 pixels. Wheras the supposed lower PSVR vertical resolution of 1080pixels is actually exactly that; 1080 pixels

now for the most hilarious part; with Vive/Rift you need to render at 3000*1700 combat the diamond pentile artefacts, and even then, you would achieve a worse quality (more black space between pixels/ rainbow artefacts/etc) then PSVR 1920*1080, and you would still only be able to physically resolve 1500*800 pixels...

Only because both rift and vive cheaped out on the displays...
I seem to remember doing some calculation of the subpixels on this very thread a while back.
Higher optical resolution, better image quality, no horrible diamond pentile screen door, better comfort, better cable management, and so on: and that is just the helmet itself.

....but boy do they need to ditch the cheap screens and design

Where are you getting this from? Nothing I've seen to date supports any of this.
Where are you getting this from? Nothing I've seen to date supports any of this.
Well, from a design perspective you only need to look at the devices to see that the Vive and the OR have a cheaper look.

Edit: those OR headphones look truly awful...
Higher optical resolution 750*800 pixels per eye versus 960*1080 pixels per eye
better image quality no rainbow artefacts on both sides of each pixel
no horrible diamond pentile screen door less black, dark unused space between each individual (sub)pixel
better comfort +600 gram ski-mask which is strapped tight against your face versus a 'welding-mask'-design which puts the weight on top of your head, nothing strapped against your face leaving marks after even 10 minutes of use
better cable management less cables coming out of the HMD, as well as lighter cables
If you look up what diamond pentile means; and realise that VR optics blow up / zoom in on the screen; you understand why pentile has a lower resolution, and more/ a worst screen door effect because there is a actually a lot of black between all subpixels, whereas the custom PSVR display actually the largest possible subpixel/pixelgrid ratio.

Carmack is agreeing with me here:

And Carmack is a hired PR person for oculus. Now take into account the difference between 4k and 2560 is less than the difference between PSVR and rift/vive, and you understand why PSVR has superior optics.

Simple math; because diamond pentile uses fake pixels with rainbow artefacts on both sides, you only have about 66% of the advertised 'fake' resolution, this means the vertical resolution of the VIVE and Rift are not 1200 pixels, but rather 800 pixels. Wheras the supposed lower PSVR vertical resolution of 1080pixels is actually exactly that; 1080 pixels

now for the most hilarious part; with Vive/Rift you need to render at 3000*1700 combat the diamond pentile artefacts, and even then, you would achieve a worse quality (more black space between pixels/ rainbow artefacts/etc) then PSVR 1920*1080, and you would still only be able to physically resolve 1500*800 pixels...

Only because both rift and vive cheaped out on the displays...
You need to calm down.

Most reports are putting oculus and PSVR relatively on par in terms of optical and screen quality. Where did you hear that oclulus is pentile?

The higher resolution of the render target has nothing to do with pentile. It's to reach the true resoluton of the optical center after warping the image, which PSVR also needs to.
rift and oculus both have 2 1080*1920 diamond pentile cellphone screens which were never designed for low persistence 90hz refresh rates (they leave ghosting artefacts in high contrast situations)

1/3rd of each display is literally covered in black tape; thus the vertical resolution is only 1200 instead of 1920 (not taking into account pentile)

their helmets could be smaller, lighter, and the GPU requirements would only be 50-60% of what they need now, if they didn't cheap out on the design. they are nothing more than mass produced prototypes, at least to a technology expert like myself
well, both are important, but the PSVR has the RGB pixel as well as maximum filtrate so better resolution as well as less screen door, although screen door with regards to the Vive Pre is less screen door and more, a general, grainy image with weird coloured surfaces; everything has a grainy texture
Most reports are putting oculus and PSVR relatively on par in terms of optical and screen quality. Where did you hear that oclulus is pentile?

The higher resolution of the render target has nothing to do with pentile. It's to reach the true resoluton of the optical center after warping the image, which PSVR also needs to.

these reports are mostly from, excuses my language, noobs, which think oculus is better because the know/read the resolution is 'higher', these are the same 'experts' which often claimed that the DK2 had no screen door effect, that is why they are exactly that: noobs
I have used the Vive Pre, DK2 and PSVR and I can tell you that screen quality on PSVR is much better this means no rainbow artefacts or grainy colours with a hint of ghosting.
PSVR did have ghosting in some demos, but this was because of the 60>120 motion interpolation, at least that what I was told.

It's to reach the true resoluton of the optical center after warping the image, which PSVR also needs to.
Sorry, but... really? does this mean that I can upgrade my full HD tv to 4K if I send a 3840 x 2160 image to my 1920 x 1080 HDTV???
Amazing I am going to do just that, thank you so much!!! I knew 4K was a scam!!!
I choose to believe your posts are aiming for satire. A cynical take about fanboyism and the meaning of life on the internet.

It's Art. :yes:
from looking at a couple of phones through VR, one normal & one pentile


yes the lit area on the 5x looks to be more than the 6p, but the higher resolution more than makes up, thus for viewing with VR I do prefer the 6p.

I have a hard time believing the PSVR will have a higher quality screen, (due to it most likely costing far less)