Review of 11 antivirus products, RAM usage included

Nice comparison, though you aren't able to test that which is the real intent of virus killers of course, namely killing viruses... ;)

Some things I've noticed myself is NAV takes an exceedingly long time to open up its main interface when launching that app (due to software bloat and ram hogging no doubt). It's also not particulary fast at virus scanning.

NOD was unable to auto-update until I selected a different web address than the default. It also opens the main window in the lower right corner of the screen and the program module windows to the RIGHT of the main window, which means they stick outside the edge of the screen, thus making me (the user) believe they were refusing to open altogether until I remembered the windows attach on the right side of the main window. Dragging the main window to the left revealed the module window. A bit annoying.

You forget to point out NOD is also very cheap. :)
Great information indeed. There is one additional piece of informaiton I would like to know: licensing and ability to be installed multiple times.

I have 3 PCs (two desktops and 1 laptop) and the two desktops have multiple XP OS installs (multi-boot).

I need an economical way to have all three safe. I'm finding the only economical approach (other than the free stuff) is to get the NAV 5.0 3-pack license ~$69.

Not only do I need 3 PCs installed, but on the two desktops I want to install the software a couple times (once per OS).
Guden Oden said:
Nice comparison, though you aren't able to test that which is the real intent of virus killers of course, namely killing viruses... ;)

Some things I've noticed myself is NAV takes an exceedingly long time to open up its main interface when launching that app (due to software bloat and ram hogging no doubt). It's also not particulary fast at virus scanning.

NOD was unable to auto-update until I selected a different web address than the default. It also opens the main window in the lower right corner of the screen and the program module windows to the RIGHT of the main window, which means they stick outside the edge of the screen, thus making me (the user) believe they were refusing to open altogether until I remembered the windows attach on the right side of the main window. Dragging the main window to the left revealed the module window. A bit annoying.

You forget to point out NOD is also very cheap. :)

weird, my NOD opens in the middle of the screeen, auto updates without any problem and i am really pleased with it......
never had anything close to what u describing...
I'm an old McAfee user. While the UI became piece of crap and it's a RAM hog, it's still the best package overall (detection rate/updates)
[quote="silence"weird, my NOD opens in the middle of the screeen, auto updates without any problem and i am really pleased with it......
never had anything close to what u describing...[/quote]

It seemed to have been a freak occurrence, those things never happened in the two consecutive installs I've done (2nd time was after I re-installed windows, demo version, and then 3rd time was full registred version).