Resistance Patch #6


betan, it's official now. Here's the new Resistance patch that I "imagined" up:

1: Screenshots that dump to "Photo" in XMB (uses 'Print Screen' button on KB)
2: Can disable 40mm Grenade and Bullseye Tag in custom games
3: Password protected private games
4: Custom game option for "aggressive" round balancing (re-balances teams after each round)
5: Rumble Support in SP and MP
6: Weapon Balancing
-decrease in shotgun damage and range
-increase reload time on rocket launcher
-decrease speed of rockets
-decrease rocket/frag grenade splash radius
-higher range damage from hedgehogs
-increased rate of fire on arc charger (primary fire damage decrease, secondary fire damage increase, reduced clip size)
-bullseye tag refire rate slowed
7: Custom game option to allow game-wide voice chat (spectators included)
8: Elite Soldier and Assassin Medal will record in every game type for ranked games
9: Defender Medal for CTF will record for ranked games
10: New bangles unlockables available on (Clank backpack, Magna Boots, Ratchet's Wrench)

#4 is a most welcomed change because IMHO, the most damaging activity in RFOM is players quiting during/right after round 1. Previously, the re-balancing algorithm would kick in but it only made minor/no change to the team composition. Hopefully the new balancer will make the right adjustment this time.

The other problem was that the new maps were seldom used in ranked games. They seem to have fixed that as well via some stealth update last few weeks, but I need to play more to find out. Was fooling around in R&C since late last week.

(List stolen from Ragnarok10 @ GAF)
Some nice stuff they added. Also, my hat's off to the guys over at Insomniac. They did a fine job on the latest R&C and they've managed to keep Resistance a very relevant title a full year later. Definately a business model more developers should try to emulate.
betan, it's official now. Here's the new Resistance patch that I "imagined" up:

#4 is a most welcomed change because IMHO, the most damaging activity in RFOM is players quiting during/right after round 1. Previously, the re-balancing algorithm would kick in but it only made minor/no change to the team composition. Hopefully the new balancer will make the right adjustment this time.
But that's for custom games, though welcome addition, I don't think it's as big an issue as for ranked games. And unbalanced ranked games mainly come from the party support which we may have to live with since party support in general is awesome.
I think removing team size equality constraint can help but may be too hard to reason.
Overall the patch is good, but my favorite update is the 40mm toggle as now practicing carbine should be easier. Second would be bullseye tag delay since most people seem to hate being tagged (edit: forgot about the shotgun damage and range decrease, I hate the damn thing when it's in the opponent's hand, very welcome change) . Personally Bullseye and Auger are my favorite weapons.

BTW, thanks to Halloween, human skins are replaced with skeletons in Human vs Chimera matches. Nice touch.
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But that's for custom games, though welcome addition, I don't think it's as big an issue as for ranked games.

Oh... is it only for custom games ? I thought it's for ranked games.

BTW, thanks to Halloween, human skins are replaced with skeletons in Human vs Chimera matches. Nice touch.

I'm not with my PS3 these two days, so I can't sign on to check.
Oh... is it only for custom games ?
Well, that's how I interpreted "Custom game option" :)

I'm not with my PS3 these two days, so I can't sign on to check.

I took a couple of shots with the new screenshot feature, I wonder if it works in SP as well.

Slightly off topic but, is it possible to upload images using the web browser?
Just a little off topic question, I take it all of these improvments and optimizations are collected and stored on the HDD? is there risk that if you have alot of games with alot of patches that it will fill up vluable space or are the patches merely exchanged config files in this case?

For every production of a Resistance disc, do they update the game continually at the manufacturing stage?

Just some random curiosity.
Just a little off topic question, I take it all of these improvments and optimizations are collected and stored on the HDD? is there risk that if you have alot of games with alot of patches that it will fill up vluable space or are the patches merely exchanged config files in this case?
It's more than config files, so it takes space. But it's not necessarily significantly bigger than the data the game installs by default and it may be replacing some of those, and of course you can always uninstall per game.
For every production of a Resistance disc, do they update the game continually at the manufacturing stage?
I doubt there has been any updated Resistance disc yet. New disc probably means recertification.
I assumed you tried and didn't see anything (which is normal really without a suitable controller).
I hoped to see rumble support in controller configuration (after applying the patch, of course), but there isn't anything... :p
Guys sorry about this noobie question but where i can find those patchs(im use ps3 60GB USA with EE+GS and Resistance USA)?
Guys sorry about this noobie question but where i can find those patchs(im use ps3 60GB USA with EE+GS and Resistance USA)?

The game should promt you to download the patch once you attempt to go Multiplayer-Online with it...