Research: Taller people are smarter

I would speculate that diet plays a large role. An observation that I have made, during the course of attending many Italian functions, is that the children of post WWII southern Italian immigrants are considerably taller than their parents. I would estimate that the difference averages at least six inches. Most likely due to an increase in protein consumption.

Most Southern Italians have also Scandinavian genes somehow...
Diet plays an influence, as does environment, but maximum potential is controlled by genetics. Just as diet plays a role in lifespan as does behavior and medical care, but many very long lived people seem to have been dealt a genetic gift.

Height is shown to be heriditary and also very variable to external factors. In other words, feeding an infant a perfectly optimal diet and environment isn't going to make him 6'2'' unless his genetic traits will allow it.

Human growth hormone malfunctions in people also show the degree to which genetics and organ regulation can have on height. A poorly fed person who has giantism is still going to be huge.

That was my point. Diet was the factor that prevented the parents from reaching there genetic potential for height. I was merely commenting on the fact that in such situations it was plain to see.
I have also seen that taller ppl live longer on avg as well, but the optimum height I think was 6ft 1in and avg life expectancy dropped after that.
Breast fed babies are slightly smarter as well arent they? LB misses out on that one :D
There are so many factors in this correlation its hard to identify them in a vacuum. Tall people as noted have disproportionate selection worth for mating, so they tend to have an easier time finding a young, healthy spouse. Whether that selection criteria is due to wealth (it might be) or b/c women are attracted to taller more powerful men is of course hard to disentangle. Either way, who cares, I imagine IQ will show variance between different heights, there might even be dropoffs as you get too tall.