"This problem cannot be dealt with just by Sony" was what was just said by (I believe) their CIO. That certainly sounds like Sony putting their head in the sand, especially if the initial exploit was due to an out of date Apache install. Law Enforcement is for punitive, post-investigative purposes but has zero to do with prevention and best practices. I am not getting "we screwed up, we are going to right the ship" out of this at all, I am instead getting "Anonymous is so mean. Look, a free cookie!" If anything, Sony seems to be looking at this as a marketing opportunity for Playstation+.
They also brought up Anonymous *again* to try to deflect blame despite there being no evidence whatsoever this has anything to do with them (seems more likely a generic automated script looking for vulnerable systems from what they have said so far).
Did you watch the thing, first thing they did were apologizing, and then they proceeded to bow their head in shame for allmost half a minute.
Anyway, the perpetrator is anonymous, if he weren't, they would most likely have been caught by now.
As for if the guy-fawcet-anonymous-people, don't like that what other anonymous people do, they should either stop beeing anonymous, or get a different name, or start having memberslist, and a organisation, or generally stop everyone from doing whatever they want. If you're anonymous, you don't have any say over what other anonymous people do.
Kaz also said that he didn't know if it were the internet-group known as anonymomus, and the dude on the right also said that were background information on some of the challenges they had faced with hacking lately, not only this incident.
Sony can't solve this issue alone, they are a part in this case, so they have to work alongside security firms, and law agencies.
They also did say that they had failed to have sufficent security-measures in place in order to protect their customers, and they were working to improve this.
As for Playstation+ marketing opportunity.
It's a subscription service, we've bought a license for PS+ software.
We subscribers will get it extended for a month, to make good for the lost time when we couldn't use our license.
Same with Quriocity subscribers. but I don't know how that works tough, since it's not available here in Norway.
As for regular playstation-users, they will only get to take advantage of the PS+ service for 30 days for free. After that their account expire, and their games won't be playable anymore.
- That means they probably get access to atleast one free PSN-game, and 2 mini's and one PS1-games, for 30 days, depending on your territory.
They also get's lots of free DLC (Like Killzone 3 map pack, until may 10), and some premium content like themes and wallpaper wich is theirs even when the PSN+ license expires.
In addition they can download alot of software for reduced prices.
PSN+ is a content-service, so Sony is the one who have to pay the various content-providers, if any of the 'free' users takes advantage of the offer free games, as compensation for the downtime.
Pretty sweet deal if you ask me, but if you don't want it because you hate beeing marketed towards, feel free to pretend you don't have access to those games those days..
PS+ is not beeing pushed in your face, the only thing is that on the store some items has a plus on the icon, and says 'Free' or lower than normal price.