

Probably a easy question, but anyone know how to reformat from a recovery sector of the hard drive? First time formatting this computer and I got a new hard drive (F:) and I have a recovery sector that came with the computer (D:) and I want to format F: with the recovery stuff from D:.

Thanks for any help you choose to give.
Ok, I went figured it out. But lost power part way through, and it wouldn't boot. So after going computerless for a few days I found out a friend had a old copy of Windows 2000 laying around. I formatted a drive with that and realized the original drive was whiped. Some it will be missed but o well. The recovery CD's are in the mail to get XP and all that. I'm guessing noone could help and thats fine. Well theres my little story and I just wanted to kind of say question answered.
Glad you found the solution that worked for ya! Your wording in your first question seems a little odd to me. I've done a lot of formats before, but never "reformatTED from a recovery sector". Perhaps its just me...
Whoops, sorry for the forgotten "ted". I may have used the wrong terminology. I have solved my fair share of problems, but I rarely need to describe them to others, so sometimes I word it in a way others find odd.

But what I was trying to say is that insteaded of reciving Windows and my other programs on CD, all the installers were included in a D: drive, which was a partition on the main system physical drive which was locked. Then all the workings of the computer were done on the C: partition, which was a normal C: drive. However when I lost power it took out my C: partition. However the D:, with all the installers, was still intact. So I was looking to boot and reinstall windows from the intact archives on the D: drive. However it seems these are compressed in some odd format that only Compaq had and you need a utility that was on the C: drive to use it. So since they were useless I decided to let it go, order the CD's and just start over...

I hope I have cleared it up a little.