Red Dead Redemption

"I can take up a loss of AA & a barely noticeable dip in resolution for a comfortable experience & free online."

Nothings confirmed yet is it?
Shadows are noticeably sharper & better than GTA4 by a long shot. But there is one thing I noticed about them, shadows look their best within the 2 meter radius of where you are standing...after that there is a very minor switch to a lesser detailed shadow, now I know this is not strange for the shadow to get a detail switch but what's strange is the very small radius. But this is so minor that you'll most probably won't even notice it, unless you get your character standing over a tree shadow, looking towards the ground & move that you physically "see" that radius.:
Sounds like theyre using cascaded shadowmaps (I think GTA4 used them as well), yes thats one issue with them, for decent quality youve gotta restrict the closest SM to just a small area around the player
After playing a bit around a friends i actually wish they scaled back some of the open world stuff. You tend to get missions from in towns so far and then head out into the wilderness on horseback to do them and then come back into town once complete to get the next missions. Just wish the missions were much more centered around the small towns which is were the western feeling really comes alive, the wilderness is a bit boring IMO.

Argh, this is what I called the "PS Home" syndrome. The open world folks need to all get together and figure something out. Open worlds like Gran Pulse can be interesting, but the travelling is a chore. In FFXIII, they have the C'ie teleporters and Chocobos to get around. In RDR, can you travel by train besides the horse ?

EDIT: Just saw new videos posted. Will check later. The iPhone one tells me that some of the animations could use more work (e.g., death, horse mounting from behind), but I don't suppose they can tend to everyone in the open world.

I won't put it above linear games like Alan Wake and Gears. It looks good nonetheless.
Argh, this is what I called the "PS Home" syndrome. The open world folks need to all get together and figure something out. Open worlds like Gran Pulse can be interesting, but the travelling is a chore. In FFXIII, they have the C'ie teleporters and Chocobos to get around. In RDR, can you travel by train besides the horse ?

Actually in RDR, you can lit up a camp fire anywhere you want (provided you are not in town or enemy territory) and from there you can either save your game, or change your outfit, or even fast travel to a city you've previously been to. You can even put a waypoint on the map & go to that place by fast traveling. :D

But I'll say one thing....there are far too many empty areas, and the towns up till the place I played were very small.
In RDR, can you travel by train besides the horse ?

there is a fast travel (teleport) feature... but to ME, traveling the open world and allowing the random NPC experiences and treasure finding, hunting to come up is what this game is all about. I'll only worry about the travel distance when I'm focused on completing a specific challenge. In fact I think the game is designed to send your missions out into the wilderness to experience these random events while you are out there. :D
Actually in RDR, you can lit up a camp fire anywhere you want (provided you are not in town or enemy territory) and from there you can either save your game, or change your outfit, or even fast travel to a city you've previously been to. You can even put a waypoint on the map & go to that place by fast traveling. :D

\^o^/ Problem solved !

But I'll say one thing....there's far too many empty areas & I haven't even seen much.

Ha ha, don't ask for too much. One step at a time.

there is a fast travel (teleport) feature... but to ME, traveling the open world and allowing the random NPC experiences and treasure finding, hunting to come up is what this game is all about. I'll only worry about the travel distance when I'm focused on completing a specific challenge. In fact I think the game is designed to send your missions out into the wilderness to experience these random events while you are out there. :D

Well, in Gran Pulse, you have random encounters, special cutscenes and side missions with unique characters too, and they still provide a teleporter. It is important when you're onto a series of quests that are related to each other. Without the fast transport, the pace would be affected negatively. It looks like there are many empty areas in RDR, so I think a teleporter is even more important.
\^o^/ Problem solved !

Without the fast transport, the pace would be affected negatively. It looks like there are many empty areas in RDR, so I think a teleporter is even more important.

yes I'll certainly use transport sometimes too :p
I ended up using the teleporter in FFXIII more towards the later part of the game. I expect to do the same here.
I ended up using the teleporter in FFXIII more towards the later part of the game. I expect to do the same here.

exactly what I was thinking

i like open world games for the exploration and randomness but there will be a time when completing the mission structure will be my goal too. :cool:
There is an alternate way to do this, but even there I ran out of steam half way.

In InFamous, they turned the entire city into a platforming game. So while travelling, you platform in every direction, and fight rooftop enemies en route to every destination. It was rather fun compared to riding horse or Chocobo. If I remember correctly, inFamous doesn't have a teleporter but the train, mission structure and cutscenes manage your "exposure". Come to think of it, when on Chocobo, it would help fight the tedium with the occasional Chocobo treasure hunt/dig activity.

So yeah, if the open world is sparse and travelling is just running from point A to B, then a teleporter is a must. Glad to hear one is in RDR.

From the videos, I think the gunplay looks interesting, especially the riding and shooting part. That's why I want a train robbery MP game mode. And we share the loot based on performance. :devilish:
I consider Infamous to be pretty much the best example of how an open world game should handle traveling.....its so much fun with all the parkour, mini missions & random enemies. Nothing seems too far away, nor does it feels very close..
Tech looks impressive and they chose quiet a matching set up, tiny towns, sparse vegetations :)
Sadly I'm pretty turned off by the setup imho they are taking a risk in this regard, it's really "north American".

RDR really is not my type of game, I just don't find the gameplay, story or setting appealing at all. I've been trying to find a reason to like it by watching all the videos and except for the train level which was pretty cool, the rest just seems kinda boring to me:(.

Did you watch the movie "3:10 to Yuma" ? I thought it lifted the cowboy genre in the theaters.

RDR might do the same here (depends on the gunplay and story, stay tuned).
Did you watch the movie "3:10 to Yuma" ? I thought it lifted the cowboy genre in the theaters.

RDR might do the same here (depends on the gunplay and story, stay tuned).

Which 3:10 to Yuma? The original or the overrated remake with Russel Crowe who is THE most overrated actor this generation? Unforgiven is still by far the best modern western.