Really impressed with Rage3d GTX review.

If you guys have not seen or read this, check it out. Rachet Did a Fantastic Job here. Plus the format and design of the review itself and the graphs are just outstanding.

I cant see any reason why Nvidia wont be sending Rage3d a lot more cards to test in the future. Nvnews has never even come close to posting such an unbiased, honest and positive review about an ATi product.

This is just a great Job.
Well, whenever I get close to an nVidia card the first thing I do is set the filtering to High Quality - so I'd be interested in a review that benchmark with that setting.

Other than that, excellent review and creative use of of JS.
I was surprised to notice that there was basically no discussion of the G70 architecture other than a passing reference to its similarity to that of NV40's.
Rage3D really ain't in to as much in depth details of how the engine works, they're much more interested in how fast it goes.
John Reynolds said:
I was surprised to notice that there was basically no discussion of the G70 architecture other than a passing reference to its similarity to that of NV40's.
Why should anyone care what the architecture of the card is, or devote time and resources in a review to write about it when it's all hidden from the users and doesn't really concern us in any way shape or form anyway? What is important is how fast it renders, and how accurately, if there's little wooden cogs driving the rendering machinery in there doesn't matter if it still outperforms everything else on the market... :D
Also the architecture was described in a tons of other reviews, so I'd (and I expect a lot of other people) just skip that part anyway.
Well, I'm not wanting to get too much into this since I don't want to be perceived as nit-picking at Rage3D's article, but my personal take on this subject is that you shouldn't assume your readers have 'boned' up on the specs elsewhere and that simply listing the specs strikes me as rather lazy insofar as that part of the article is concerned. And with how strongly NVIDIA emphasized the arithmetic increase of G70 over series 6 parts in their press and reviewer's guide materials, I would've at least mentioned the changes to the ALUs, the increased # of quads and vertex units, over the previous generation.

Don't get me wrong, the review is otherwise fine IMO. Hell, I don't try to be a hardware site at SimHQ either since it's primarily a games site that focuses on one particular, broad genre of games. . .I try to hit the salient points, highlight what's different or new from previous offerings, and then do what Rage3D did and get to what people really want to see anyways.
Excellent review.
I love the fsaa and filtering comparison.
Now it's easy to see the differences.
btw, nvidia is insane to suggest review sites to use the default quality mode based on the comparison.
I was impressed myself, I was looking there and thought "hmm I will read this to see how ridiculous it is" yet it wasn't :p Anyway a good job.
Thanks guys. I didn't expect the review to get as much attention as it did, but I guess I under-estimated the "NVIDIA review on ATI fansite" factor a good bit.
Ratchet said:
Thanks guys. I didn't expect the review to get as much attention as it did, but I guess I under-estimated the "NVIDIA review on ATI fansite" factor a good bit.

What did people at rage3d think of it .. did they think you had "sold out" and become a heretic or did they like it ?
dizietsma said:
What did people at rage3d think of it .. did they think you had "sold out" and become a heretic or did they like it ?
Not anyone from the site, no, and none of the users. It went over remarkably well, far better than I expected it to. The only suggestion that I "sold out" came from another website owner.
It would be interesting to see how the 7800GTX performs with the HQ mode (especially how much of a performance drop one can expect from the Q mode.)
Simply superb as far as displaying the graphs. Cut down on the number of pages by a huge amount I imagine. It also made comparisons of the various screens quality much easier (until now I was opening each image up in a new tab and switching between them to see the difference).

Easy to read, easy to interpret. Nice work.
Sxotty said:
I was impressed myself, I was looking there and thought "hmm I will read this to see how ridiculous it is" yet it wasn't :p Anyway a good job.
Yes it was surprisingly good, the ridiculous version is reserved for driverheaven?