RD580 Preview

HellasVagabond said:
Last review i saw regardind a Mobo based on ATI chipset was a total disaster...

Link to that review? Just curious. . .call it a small bet with myself. . .
HellasVagabond said:
I wasnt referring at the RD580 but the RD480.
I dont remember where i saw it but ill search and post a link.
The chipset "issue" was with the SB400, and was do to the lower USB transfer rate and lack of SATA2 than other current SBs. The 450/480 is a good cost to perfomance NB that OC great depending on the MB manufacturer. The rd580 has the better pcie 16x lanes... but the SB in the preview is a uli1575 that has sata2 ect...
IbaneZ said:

Here's anands "pulled" review. Looks like a killer card/chipset to me. ;)

I'm guessing that the link's getting hammered. It will take a while to download. Thanks though :)

Lots o' piccies, anyway. . .and that certainly looks like a complete retail package to me. Can launch be far away?

Well, cebit's near...and rumor has it we'll see rd580-based products on the shelves near that period ;)

Last review i saw regardind a Mobo based on ATI chipset was a total disaster...
I would hardly call any chipset in the market at the moment a "total disaster". The SB450 did have some issues but the RD480 northbridge was pretty good.

In any case, I'd rather make my decisions based on the present rather than the past ;)
It's interesting that Anand yanked the 7800 512 GTX from the review. Incredibly similar to the way [H]ardOCP operates. They claim that since you can't really find any on the market, it's not a fair competitor to the R580, which has wide availibility.
HellasVagabond said:
We are talking about mobos arent we ?

Yes, but half the benchmarks run in Anand's reviews are to see if there are any descrepencies between a new board and it's competitors.

Also, Crossfire is a supposed to be improved greatly with the RD580, and so gaming performance will likely be a focus of this new chipset.
How exactly is CrossFire going to be "greatly improved" by this new chipset? Is the current halving of PCI Express lanes on a 480 mobo really impacting performance that much?
John Reynolds said:
How exactly is CrossFire going to be "greatly improved" by this new chipset? Is the current halving of PCI Express lanes on a 480 mobo really impacting performance that much?

It would make the most difference on cross-fire set-ups that don't use a cable. Those set-ups rely exclusively on PCI-E transfers to share data between the cards.

It shouldn't have that much difference on the high-end crossfire set-ups where the DVI port is used to transfer data.

That being said, dual x16 slots will enable higher performing cross-fire setups to get away with not using an external dongle or bridge of some sort. Rumor has it that the upcoming ATI chips do away with the composting chip and integrate the functionality on-chip. Using such cards in addition to dual x16 mobos allow you to pair higher performing cards together without any external connections.