RAM Question.


I'm slowly but surely building my next computer. As of now I'm going with Alienware. Anyway, my question to you guys is, is there is a performance difference between PC-800 and PC-1066? If I'm willing to spend the extra $100+ on RAM, is it a better buy to get 768 MEG of PC800 or 512 MEG of PC-1066? Thanks alot!

I've long since wanted to do a performance comparison for PC800 vs PC1066, but sourcing PC1066 over here is both difficult and expensive.

Anyway the upshot it, yes there is a difference. There's an article here:


IMO, I'm not sure what benefit there will be with 700MB of ram as opposed to 512MB at the moment, you would certainly see more benefit from the extra badwidth in games (assuming you're going for a high speed P4).