RAM: 1gb vs. 2gb

correct me if i am wrong, but E3 and E4 Venice is when the 4 DIMM situation was fixed? That's why I bought a Venice 3500+ =D
Mordenkainen said:
Yep. I'm using 4x512 and still running at PC3200.

Me too, NF4U + 3500+ Venice.

EDIT: just had to swich the command rate to 2T, 1T wasn't that stable after all...
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Finally got f.e.a.r and at max settings with res at 1280x960 with 4x fsaa/16af with 1GB of ram I get stuttering/pausing like no other... besides HL2 when I had 512MB.
Reducing the texture detail to medium eliminated the stuttering.
It was really bad.. like some pauses were over a few seconds.
Searching the net it seems to be a common problem for those with only a gig.
Conclusion- it's impossible to play fear with max texture quality on 1GB unlwaa you like pausing/stuttering.
rivatuner showed on the level I was playing that about 80MB of ram was being used for my 7800GT.
Not sure how it didn't show up on your test?
radeonic2 said:
Searching the net it seems to be a common problem for those with only a gig.
Conclusion- it's impossible to play fear with max texture quality on 1GB unlwaa you like pausing/stuttering.<snip>Not sure how it didn't show up on your test?

I didn't notice any stuttering whatsoever in FEAR at max settings (except Soft Shadows) throughout the entire game at 1gb. But as you can see my Windows XP install is tweaked for gaming only using around 100mb after boot and with only 11 processes running. See how much commit charge/processes you have right after you boot.

Also the "Peak commit charge after running through Fear" graph shows the game is using less than 500mb for itself.
Mordenkainen said:
I didn't notice any stuttering whatsoever in FEAR at max settings (except Soft Shadows) throughout the entire game at 1gb. But as you can see my Windows XP install is tweaked for gaming only using around 100mb after boot and with only 11 processes running. See how much commit charge/processes you have right after you boot.

Also the "Peak commit charge after running through Fear" graph shows the game is using less than 500mb for itself.
Well no idea.. I have around 800MB phyisical ram free upon boot.
in f.e.a.r with 4x fsaa and 1280x960 I am using some of my main memory for my 7800GT though.
I dont have anything tweaked...
But I dont have any backround programs using huge amounts of ram.
I'd like to see an untweaked benchmark run.

Neeyik, yup pics are gone for me too.
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Neeyik said:
It might just be me but all your pics seem to be gone!

Figures. My ISP gave the option to pay less for the same internet access. No brainer right? Well, I spent 10 days without net, my previous email addys don't work and now even my FTP space is gone. This is just peachy.
Mordenkainen said:
Figures. My ISP gave the option to pay less for the same internet access. No brainer right? Well, I spent 10 days without net, my previous email addys don't work and now even my FTP space is gone. This is just peachy.
mordenkainen, if you look here: www.dreamhost.com, you can sign up for their regular hosting with the code "1lovesyouguys" and your total charge will be, iirc, ~$22 for a year (it's all shown there). In the interest of full disclosure, i get something like a $12 kickback if you sign up. ;) But ask round, they're legit. :eek:

Edit: actually, checking that, I've given my full kickback away, so I get nothing! ^^; Whoops. :eek:
"soon" may mean never for them... :D

I've only noticed this article today so I'd like to see them too...
Mordenkainen said:
I didn't notice any stuttering whatsoever in FEAR at max settings (except Soft Shadows) throughout the entire game at 1gb. But as you can see my Windows XP install is tweaked for gaming only using around 100mb after boot and with only 11 processes running. See how much commit charge/processes you have right after you boot.

Can you share some of those tweaks? :)