Well, there's a "disable Catalyst AI" check box which I unchecked to get this issue sorted out.
In other news, the game has lulled me, feels boring and bland as of now. Pretty visuals, very pretty, but it feels I am walking in a photograph, it feels too static. Dunno why ! and the gunplay really needs a peek option, the way enemies shoot through holes in walls and all, and it isn't there. And the controls seem to be designed for a controller "press Ctrl and hold to bring up a menu to select ammo type" WTF !
Why can't I consume a bandage or a wingstick or a grenade with a tap of a button/ First I have to select them via F1, F2 or F3 and then press 'Q' to use them ! WTF ! Why can't I throw a grenade by tapping G, like I have been in all shooters on PC?
Maybe I should just plug in my X360 controller for PC, but I hate that device and its thumbsticks.
In good news, the enemy movement and reactions to my shooting seem to be fantastic ! and it is running at 60fps @1 920X1080 on my PC. So,atleast it is smooth, but with screen tearing issues !
I was so excited but playing Doom 3 with sikkmod is more entertaining than this for now
! WIll the game improve?