Radar detectors?


Decided to get my wife a radar detector for xmas and already got her enthusiastic approval, now I just gotta learn all about 'em and find a fantastic one at a great price....

...so guess where I go first? :|
They are not really so much use as usually, by the time you get illuminated by radar, that means you've already been tagged by a speed camera, especially the ones that catch you from behind. They also don't help against laser, or auto-number plate recognition tied into time/distance cameras (don't know if you have all of those in the states).

The most effective solutions I've seen against cameras are the GPS routefinders that also feature warning of when you are coming up to a camera. That way you can slow down for the camera long before you are in range of their speed checking radar.

My father-in-law just got a little box that plugs into his Toyota's sat-nav, and when he comes up towards a camera, it gives him a distance warning/countdown, and tells him what the speed limit in that spot is.
BZB if you looked you would see the unit I suggested has camera GPS coordinates. Look up the reviews. You won't do better for a standalone non-integrated unit. And you are not really correct if you drive with traffic then someone will set off the camera ahead of you. My detector can detect radar up to 14 miles away given perfect conditions so that works pretty decently as long as you are not completely alone. I did get one warning when a cop did the radar pop on me. I slowed down 10 mph before he had a lock and got a warning then instead of a ticket. I stashed the detector though.
I'm surprised radar detectors are legal in the US, since basically the only use they have is to aid and abet criminal and reckless activities (driving past the speed limit without getting caught). Pretty sure they're banned over here, laser detectors certainly are. Not sure our police force still uses old-fashioned radar equipment...
I know in the UK the law is a little weird, like it's illegal to sell or import detectors, but they are legal to use (despite the police pretending otherwise). However, detectors in and of themselves are not a whole lot of use here because of the vast array of speed measuring devices used, many of which do not use radar. It certainly seems that mobile units have replaced radar with laser.

But given the lies that have been told that speed cameras are all about safety rather than revenue, it's pretty difficult to argue against devices that tell the driver when they are coming up to cameras. After all, if a camera has been placed in order to slow people down at an accident black spot, then surely nothing can be safer than ensuring the driver knows they are entering a dangerous area, and need to check their speed and their surroundings? There's no safety benefit if the driver only knows he should slow down after he's through the black spot and been hit with a fine.
The ones I were looking at were radar/laser/gps based, if I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it right. Her commute has a lot of highway miles through 2 active speed trap zones....and by speed trap zones I mean I saw 3-4 people busted there every day each time I was driving it to take the kids to school before we moved.

It was almost funny, I could tell by traffic patterns where the cops were usually by the people slowing down...but I figure a radar detector could give some added protection.

I want a portable/removable one, her G37 is a lease and she just put new snow tires on my 325xi and stole it for the winter so we need to be able to move it from vehicle to vehicle.

They're illegal in some states in the US, not mine though. (I did check. ;) )