Yeah pretty disappointing. The one game that really needs this kind of power, Crysis, it doesn't help much in, and even loses easily to GTX280 in Crysis in the the DH review. In most of the other games it's a case of who cares if you get 80 frames or a hundred?
That and Anand hinting that it doesn't scale with some games at all, just like any CF/SLI solution, I thought the "new interconnect" was supposed to alleviate that?
Also, the reviews didn't investigate micro-stuttering.
So yeah from my perspective, disappointing. Especially the Crysis performance. This may really highlight one downside to AMD's strategy, very new games like Crysis just may not take well to multi-GPU.
Still, it'll probably sell well to the [H] forum types who just want the biggest numbers on a graph.
Edit: well, [H]'s reviews shows Age of Conan is another game where the power is actually needed, and 4870X2 performs phenomenally there.