R420 = "RadeonExtreme XXXX" or "RadeonXtreme


Just with all the bloody "extreme" and "x" teases people have been dropping, I figure it's a decent shot at the name.

Thoughts, speculations, ridicule?
I want it to be called "RADEON XXX, WE LIVE FOR THIS SHIT". In direct clause to the worse quote in the history of cinema by Vin Diesel in XXX.

I sincerly hope they just go with Radeon 99x0. I.E: 9900XT 9950 Pro..etc. Alot easier than "radeoXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX".
bleh I hope not.

Extreme seems like something you would add to the name for a super high end part, like XT (which I believe is supposed to mean extreme well in ATI's case anyway). Sadly, I think numbering is almost required for parts in an industry that moves so quickly. Using the X as roman numeral 10 and xxx to seperate low/mid/high parts seems more likely to me.
I want a Radeon XXX. It should come with a voucher for Debie Does Dallas and a subtitled version of La Blue Girl. ;) j/k

I hope they go for a Radeon 9900 this time. Not something lame like the 9800XT.
The X300 ("ten-three-hundred"), X500, and X700 seem like a reasonable progression from 9500 and 9700, and allow them to speed-bump to even numbers with the refresh. I prefer the simpler "Radeon X7," though--or X8, if they'd rather the refresh go to X5, X7, and X9. Sounds rather car-like, which is not a bad connection for consumers to make, as the cards I'd associate with alphanumeric designations tend to be luxury (beyond the obvious Bimmer trucks, you've gotchyer Mercedeseses and Lexi and Audii, etc.).

Either way, they don't have much room for the next gen, no? Unless they go to X12, X16, and X18, which might be slightly confusing to customers. Or not. That way their next gen can just be XXyy ("The extra X stands for eXtra eXtreme!").

They'll have to come up with something new for the generation after that, though, or risk a hefty FCC fine and a healthy share of public indignance. ;) OTOH, they could just spin it as a sign that gaming is no longer a "kiddie" activity. So many possibilities....
The whole Xn idea is great because then you could justify having Chuck Yeager as your spokeman! When you get to X-15 you can have him buzz nVidia HQ and blow the windows out of the whole building. Pure marketing genius! ;)

what company wouldn't want people comparing their videocard to this badboy?!
Rugor said:
How about Radeon X400?

Or what about X40 ?

By only using 2 numbers for this generation, they'll have plenty more open to them for future cards, compared to starting in the hundreds from the start.