Question about the PSP.


I looked around online, but I couldn't find any info about its' image quality enhancing options(In other words, biliniar filtering, etc.). What are they, and how well do they work? the PS2's billiniar is broken, IIRC, so I got ot thinking about the PSP, wondering if it was possibly the same way.
I have no idea. However, it's probably a good thing to keep in mind that it has a relatively high resolution, being so many pixels on such small a screen. That helps a lot.
The sub-standard function on PS2 is actually the mipmapping, not the bilinear filtering. It doesn't account for the incline of a texture, only its distance from the camera, when selecting the mip level. That leaves the surfaces most in-need of proper mipmapping, like walls and floors, with the worst shimmer.

The PSP often has its own share of weaknesses in image quality: compounded, 16-bit dithered color; jaggies from low definition rendering; and only 16-bit, fixed-point 3D depth (Z) buffering.
The sub-standard function on PS2 is actually the mipmapping, not the bilinear filtering. It doesn't account for the incline of a texture, only its distance from the camera, when selecting the mip level. That leaves the surfaces most in-need of proper mipmapping, like walls and floors, with the worst shimmer.

The PSP often has its own share of weaknesses in image quality: compounded, 16-bit dithered color; jaggies from low definition rendering; and only 16-bit, fixed-point 3D depth (Z) buffering.

Ah. I thought had read a post by someone here that the PS2's bilinear filtering was screwed up, but I guess i didn't. Dammed spotty memory.

So, those are the PSP's general image quality weaknesses? Not much different from some PS2 games I've played...