question about memory (1T or 2T)


I've heard somewhere that athlon 64s work better if their ram is running at 1T...

my question is how can i check to see if my memory is running at 1T?

and if it's not how can i make it run at that spec

I bought the pqi turbo brand since a review i saw before said they were quite good...

any help for this matter is much appreciated... :)
I know of no DDR RAM for the normal PC with 1T. You can see all the settings in your mobo's BIOS, there are also many free tools available which will give you more info.

Current Athlons have an integrated memory controller - the lower the timings, the faster it runs.
_xxx_ said:
I know of no DDR RAM for the normal PC with 1T.
Errr - virtually most DDR-SDRAM you buy these days will operate at 1T (in such systems as being discussed here). Sure you're not confusing it with something else?
Neeyik said:
Errr - virtually most DDR-SDRAM you buy these days will operate at 1T (in such systems as being discussed here). Sure you're not confusing it with something else?

Ooops, yes, with CL1. :oops:
Doesn't 1T command rate have a tendency to cause memory corruption when used with more than one pair of DIMMs in many systems? At least that seems to be my impression after casually looking around teh intarweb and reading here and there. This seems particulary (anecdotally) true with more "normal" kinds of RAM that isn't overvolted to a more or less rediculous degree.
LunchBox said:
I've heard somewhere that athlon 64s work better if their ram is running at 1T...

my question is how can i check to see if my memory is running at 1T?

and if it's not how can i make it run at that spec

I bought the pqi turbo brand since a review i saw before said they were quite good...

any help for this matter is much appreciated... :)

SysTool should tell you, but I am not sure how accurate it is.

It will also be revealed by memory benchmark scores when running something like Sisoft Sandra, but then you must know the performance in one of the modes. For example, in my BIOS I have a "2T Command Rate" option in the memory section. This can be set to Auto/enabled/disabled. If I set it to enabled, and 2T should always be successful, and run Sandra memory benchmark, I get a score of ~4700 MB/sec ((PC-3200 dual channel). If I set this option to disabled I get ~5900 MB/sec in the same test, so something has obviously changed.

However, this is a very theoretical value. Many people report, and this seems to be plausible, that 2T has little impact in real world usage. Normally, you are not streaming data like in a memory bandwidth test and the whole extra cycle (*gasp*) to switch between banks is swallowed up in the greater scheme of things. In other words, don't worry too much if you can only run 2T because it may not have a detectable impact in real world usage.

BTW, like Neeyik stated, most RAM can handle 1T (being a fully addressable bank). It is not so much a property of the RAM as it is of the memory controller in practice. It is about opening memory banks and the delay between doing so. Read more in the free online Rojakpot's BIOS OPtimization Guide
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thanks!!!! :)

thanks a bunch for all the help :)

i was running at 1T all along...

just needed a confirmation if i was or not :)

all the links helped a lot :D