Quakecon 2010

Turns out the time difference was miscalculated and it's only on in about 18 minutes.

Edit: no Doom4 this year then. Damn :(
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I'll let you know if there's anything interesting - the welcome presentation is over, Rage's tomorrow, Carmack's coming up for like 2 hours. Again, if he has good stuff to say, I'll report.
Apparently no news about nextgen console hardware even at id.

Had thoughts about focusing more on game design instead of tech... using existing tech instead of reinventing the engine and breaking the designers' work periodically.

He pays attention to offline rendered trailers, raytracing and such...

GPGPU stuff is complicated when you try to accelerate content creation.
Their renderfarms are now at the limit of their office building's electricity and cooling capacity. He's looking into cloud computing to speed up stuff and moving back to CPU.

Full raytracing is an interesting option. Coincidentally we've moved to a new rendering app that's a pure tracer as well, no rasterizer hybrid.
But it's not yet possible on nextgen hardware - could be for the one after that. It really answers a lot of problems, like shadows - raytraced area shadows are just basically fire and forget compared to shadow maps, one of the reasons we've abandoned PRMan.

Sometimes today's 8-core CPUs beat GPUs in their internal stuff (probably used for radiosity lighting on their levels, so offline stuff unrelated to the realtime renderers).
64-bit and the larger amount of memory it enables will open up opportunities.
Also there was a time when the fastest system was not much better then a gaming system, no matter the money. Heavy multicore is changing that. So lots of cores and lots of memory will change things.

Rage dev platform was locked too close to the target platform (X360/PS/ PC treated as a similar system). Compares to developing on Next systems for PC while creating Doom.

Lots of interesting thoughts really. I wonder how much he pre-planned this, completely fluid and seems to follow some logic...
Decrease processing on source data as it takes too long to load their wastelands even if it's just small changes they want to make.

Apple relationships - Graeme Devine from Quake3 times is now there, helps with the communication.
Wants unified memory systems. Virtualization is important and it frustrates him that there's no advancement. Pro and con of doing it themselves. Learning about such stuff from 20-30 years old UNIX code and using those ideas on today's devices.

Linux is still kinda dead for them, very few Quake Live users despite the support. Nevertheless his using it for rocket work on one of his systems. More open source: Wolfenstein ET release stuff got stuck because of the lawyers he has to work with to do it since the Zenimax deal. He did get it done for this year though - by Todd.
More about open source and large dev teams. Expect Doom3 open source sometime after Rage's release.

Back to Apple - they're not really a gaming company after so many years. Yeah, iMac GFX hardware really sucks. But games on App store opened Apple's eyes to the issue.

Vsync issues on the PC bother him, talks to hw vendors about it. LCD and 60Hz is important in this. Latency is a related issue - did some tests with 600fps cameras; interesting to watch how the screen refreshes.

Not interested in 3D TV's, but 120Hz is interesting stuff and can have uses.
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I'm gonna need some water, listening to him speak so long without any break makes me feel thirsty...lol
100% utilization on the PS3 is an honor - on a mobile system it's a shame, depletes batteries and burns hands. Rage's going to have a 30fps option because of this.
Also Apple's in a great position to spearhead the adoption of HDR displays on the mobile platforms - cheaper and more simple then on desktops with large expensive screens. Camera's are already there, consumer image formats too. Can look better then print, not just any other TV or screen. Doesn't care about iPhone4's resolution bump on the other hand.

Expects head mounted displays to become big eventually, can't tell when but he expects it. Good thing about rides using the tech is that it's more immersive. Still sucks though and not yet there - narrow FOV, weight, lag, doesn't feel like looking through goggles but more like using a controller. Latency is bad here as well, praises high speed camera experiences again. But it should be doable today with the right approach.

Multithreading and pipelining are causing such problems on Rage too, he checks regularly to keep it fast though. In the CE industry the problem is buying too many pieces of IP and software buffers add up. Most products don't have as high requirements from programmers as games do. Good software is expensive, but some of the stuff could be done a lot better.
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Motion controls... games tuned to one kind of input aren't magically gonna be good for them.
He isn't really interested in them, although he thinks they're interesting and he'd like to give them a try - but no value for id's current projects. There's probably gonna be spectacular stuff, there's lots to do - but he's more interested in the output and not the input.
Hacked some stuff together for the iPhone Rage stuff yesterday.

Divided about post processing in Rage - artists love it, making things more cinematic (I agree) others (and him) feel it's a waste to render all that stuff and mud it up. Interested to test it on people and see the statistics.
Why add more graphics - people go to see art in museums that doesn't move. Art has value on its own. So looking incredible is important.
He believes Doom3 being dark was justified despite getting flak on it. Id's a pretty dark place, content is not gonna look great in a big sunlit living room.
Talks about lighting issues, falloff, he set a lot of lights at intensities of 2, he wishes it was 4. He should do it differently, they still suffer from it on Rage. It looks way too dark on the iPhone in a typical (probably daytime) session.

Interesting issue. We lit Assassin's Creed Brotherhood at super high intensities (simulating bright daylight) and pulled it back using tone mapping in post, got a very new look. Can see it having an effect on games too.
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Aliasing bothers him and the stuff he likes the least about Rage is what clashes with it. Telephone wires and such.
Cutting the poly counts to 10% for iPhone didn't change some stuff that much. Sometimes extra triangles add important stuff but many times people don't even notice the lack of it.

Q&A, all of a sudden, he clearly had more stuff in mind... :(