Do you by any chance have an idea what's the method for the motion blur used in MGS2?
It's done with various levels of blending new frame to previous frame. (depending on scene they vary blur levels).
Occasionally they mix up multiple effects together to get something new - my favourite is harrier heatwave, which is basically done by just mixing a bunch of stuff together (smoke , depth of field and mb), and actually looks more convincing then heatwaves in GT3 imo.
Anyway, MGS2 is all about doing tons of screen passes and dumping layers upon layers of big transparency layers on the screen etc., which is pretty much one of the bigger reasons it couldn't be ported easily IMO.
On that note, It was quite nice of Konami to release MGS2 docs that way, since it really exposes most of the tricks they did nicely. (typically companies aren't so open about showing off their stuff this way... :\ )