PSP Modchip Announced

Interesting. I'd never use a modchip to pirate games, but unless Sony opens up the PSP for homebrew, enthusiasts like me really have no other choice.

Then again, I don't have a PSP yet. I'd have bought one by now considering the ceramic white version finally has been released in Euroland now, but I won't pay a price that's 35% higher than the standard version simply because it's got a white plastic cover rather than a black plastic cover. :mad:
Guden Oden said:
Interesting. I'd never use a modchip to pirate games, but unless Sony opens up the PSP for homebrew, enthusiasts like me really have no other choice.

Same here.. I have a few things I'd like to code myself but didn't just get around doing before LocoRoco demo came out. Apparently they have more news about the chip coming next week. Hopefully it won't be too hard to install like the first PS2 chips with a gazillion solder points.
Shifty Geezer said:
Black Value Pack = £179.99 at Play
Ceramic White Value Pack + Lemmings = £179.99 at Play
Well, that's not the prices at my local Game store in Sweden unfortunately. Here the black is SKR1995 and the white SKR2695, or somesuch. I guess I'll have to shop around a bit more... Meh!
Wowza! Talk about a ripoff! Yes, shop around. White PSP looks even better value than black with it's pack-in game. That's a crazy markup.
I have one of the very first PSPs off the first batch that lik-sang received, and I'm loth to upgrade it out of homebrew range, but I also hate not being able to use the latest games and firmwares, and stuff like MGS, Tekken and Daxter is making it very hard on me. It's been bothering me for a long time now.

Then yesterday I saw the white PSP Value Pack with Daxter for 249. I almost bought it straight away, but I'm about to sell my house and stuff, and am not sure if I should get a second PSP, seems a bit over the top. However, the main goal would be to keep my original PSP as a developer and homebrew machine - I like to code on it and use it to master low-level c and graphics programming.

When I told my soon-to-be wifethat I'd almost bought it, she immediately said that I should probably get it since I use the PSP so much I really make the thing worth every penny, and she understands my frustration. Gotta love her!

I have chipped my one PS2, and flip-topped the other, to be able to play imports and preview discs for a gamessite, but I really don't like to have to do stuff like that otherwise. Prefer to stay legit.
Guden Oden said:
Well, that's not the prices at my local Game store in Sweden unfortunately. Here the black is SKR1995 and the white SKR2695, or somesuch. I guess I'll have to shop around a bit more... Meh!

Didnt he mean/s pounds?
And i wonder if all new packs comes with 2200 battery now as standard?
This might sell me a PSP. I was going to buy one (there are some nice deals to be found in Finland eg. PSP Value pack+Daxter+Wipeout+Danny the Dog UMD=289€, apparently the market is flooded), but the games didn't compell me. I was going to buy a DS Lite instead, but with homebrew as a constant option I'll have to rethink this...
xmu said:
Just wondering if the Sony can block the chip somehow, and if they can, can the chip be flashed again to get homebrew up and running.. I'm guessing yes?
It's not impossible to imagine extra hardware might indeed be detectable; some modchips are, on the xbox - allowing MS to lock out those consoles from XBL - other modchips apparantly aren't detectable.

Since this is the first PSP modchip it's quite possible maybe the implementation won't be perfect. Who can say. I wouldn't void my warranty first thing I do just so I can install one of these, that's for sure. ;)

Considering there seems to be a FPGA chip on it, I'd assume it will be very possible to reprogram pretty much the entire device in case Sony tries to work around its presence. Maybe it will be enough, and maybe it won't, who can say.
Arwin said:
Then yesterday I saw the white PSP Value Pack with Daxter for 249. I almost bought it straight away, but I'm about to sell my house and stuff, and am not sure if I should get a second PSP, seems a bit over the top. However, the main goal would be to keep my original PSP as a developer and homebrew machine - I like to code on it and use it to master low-level c and graphics programming.
I run 2 PSPs now for much the same reasons. One is a region 1 PSP at 2.70, which I use for playing UMD games that need the latest firmware, and media files that need CODEC support provided in firmwares later than 1.5 or 2.0. The second is a region 2 (my region) at 2.0, which I use for homebrew (my own poking around plus emulators) and UMD movies in my region.

If you love the PSP it's worth it until Sony open up the firmware for homebrew (non game ISO loading) applications run off the memory stick, in my opinion.
Ok, according to PSP Spot a company called Mr Modchips is going to carry the PSP chip once it arrives. The only question is WHEN, damnit!? :)