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From a consumer POV that may be true. However, in terms of Sony's business it's quite possible that PS+ and free online was plain too generous.

I agree that the model was a little too generous and I don't expect freebie games as much, but the pay wall for multiplayer just has seemed to kill the value completely there (for me anyway), not only do you have to pay to play, but because of that everything else is worse too. Games like Killzone like Arwin mentioned or Knack could be there, or at the very least give better discounts on them that actually would make them competitive against retail.
I would actually consider giving away Killzone; Shadow Fall if I were Sony.

or at least a portion of it to entice a full purchase. Like just MP, or just SP, or maybe a few maps only. ...and give a discount on full purchase. Its a win win for all.
Like what they had planned for Driveclub. It is perfect. We get a taste of the game and upgrade to full version is way cheaper for PS+ people. It got all messed up is another story. But it makes it very enticing for me to try and buy that game.
PS+ time trials are available for some years now. You can try full version of a game for 60 minutes. You can get a taste and buy it if you wish.
isnt Knack have more bad sales than killzone? they can give that for plus :D
I expect they will, that and KZ, but after Christmas during which they may still get some sales. With a potential, I dunno, 4 million new console buyers, even a small percentage picking up these games could be a lot of thousands of units. 1%, 40,000 sales, at $30 profits, would be $1.2 million. That sort of money is worth keeping. After Christmas when sales would definitely be very low, the value of the products as direct revenue decreases massively, giving reason to move them into value-add for the online platform.

I'd expect over a year for Sony's major first-party games, and over two years until 3rd party titles become free, over three years for really successful titles with legs. DC was special because it was a lite version deliberately targeting PS+ - it still wasn't a full game giveaway.
There's no limit to what consumers want!

Seems that customers always forget that a console come to them almost for free, from Sony/MS point of view.
There's not only hardware in it, there is a complete OS + servers + huge QA to maintain, and past R&D to cover as well.

Really, I don't see any bad in the current gen model.
- Don't Starve: been in promotions for around 3€
- Outlast: promotions around 4€
- Sound Shapes: exclusive, low-profile
- Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition: exclusive
- Mercenary Kings: part of a Humble Weekly Bundle
- Stick It to the Man!: part of a Humble Weekly Bundle
- PixelJunk Shooter: Ultimate (cross-buy): part of a Humble Weekly Bundle and other bundles
- Trine 2: Complete Story: part of a Humble Bundle and a Weekly Humble Bundle
- Doki-Doki Universe (cross-buy): exclusive, low-profile
- Strider: been available for ~9€
- TowerFall: Ascension: been available for 7.5€
- Fez (cross-buy): been in lots of humble bundles

meh, and so on.

So your "dozen bucks" is already around double that + a few exclusives you can't get on PS4

My point is:
- For the PS4 Plus games, the annual 50€ would have been much better spent on PC bundles for games of the exact same category and higher production values.

That's great for you maybe not all of us want to/can game on PCs? Also, all of the above support remote play - so right there is another advantage.

Each to their own, but obviously it's early days - I'm not 100% happy with what PS+ offers and I'm upset by the whole DC thing, but I feel it's worth every penny...hell, I'm not even sure PS+ has ever cost me anything due to the fact I've been able to sell Vita + PS3 games that I already owned and also didn't have to spend out on games I would have bought (like Outlast).

Oh, and Soundshapes is an awsome game BTW.
I am with Tottentranz with this one.
PS+ is a really bad service:

- the free offerings are not worth it
- MP locked behind a pay wall, more people buy PS+, Sony can't handle the load...mahor issues all the time.

I am really starting to get annoyed buy Sony's extreme incompetence and arrogancy towards consumers.

And I am really annoyed that both manufactures put MP behind a paywall...if it weren't for the exclusives and the console centric AAA devs, there would be really no more reason for me to throw more money down their throat!

I wonder for how long I'll stay at this boring and lame party...
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Whatever you may think of Knack personally, some people really like it, and it will, for some people perhaps turned off from buying it due to negative reactions, be well received and a welcome addition to their PS+ library.

Aside from the subjective measure, a simple dollar value does imply worth to the freebies, and human beings have trouble separating themselves from the perpetual dollar value of things!
I have a Vita, PS3 and PS4, and the amount of games is almost overwhelming. PS4 alone is still decent, imho, but I definitely think that anyone who takes Steam as a measure for the value of Playstation Plus or Xbox Live is misguided. The prices for regular games aren't really in favor of the consoles either. I am waiting for the day where PC releases are paid for by adds.
I am with Tottentranz with this one.
PS+ is a really bad service:

- the free offerings are not worth it
- MP locked behind a pay wall, more people buy PS+, Sony can't handle the load...mahor issues all the time.

I am really starting to get annoyed buy Sony's extreme incompetence and arrogancy towards consumers.

And I am really annoyed that both manufactures put MP behind a paywall...if it weren't for the exclusives and the console centric AAA devs, there would be really no more reason for me to throw more money down their throat!

I wonder for how long I'll stay at this boring and lame party...

If Sony didn't have PS+ last gen I'd be upset, but as I subbed anyway it didn't bother me too much having to have it this gen.

I agree about the paywall - we have MS to thank for that, I always said it was the thin end of the wedge...but what's frustrating is Sony said this gen it was required to help support & improve the online infrastructure and so far there is little evidence to support that.

Having said that I've not been affected by the issues people speak of (other than DC). In fact, from a personal perspective I (and my family) have had more issues with XBL whenever we've used it.

Going back to the whole 'value of the games' thing, being an owner of all 3 consoles it's clearly a bargain for me and I can understand why someone only owning PS4 might feel a bit upset, but it's early days yet.

I have a Vita, PS3 and PS4, and the amount of games is almost overwhelming. PS4 alone is still decent, imho, but I definitely think that anyone who takes Steam as a measure for the value of Playstation Plus or Xbox Live is misguided. The prices for regular games aren't really in favor of the consoles either. I am waiting for the day where PC releases are paid for by adds.

Indeed. Also I love with PS+ everything is automatically updated inc. game saves to the cloud.

Seems that customers always forget that a console come to them almost for free, from Sony/MS point of view.
There's not only hardware in it, there is a complete OS + servers + huge QA to maintain, and past R&D to cover as well.

Really, I don't see any bad in the current gen model.

Hey you have some valid points, but these hardware boxes basically do nothing for me unless I pay more for services and software, so the hardware is essentially worthless to me and even though their margins are slim to none on the box, it certainly isn't free to me. The days when boxes like these had some value or lure for me are long gone.

Having said that, it's clear by looking at the financial numbers that the business certainly isn't very good for them either, so even though things are worse than they used to be in many regards, they probably are about as good as they realistically can be.