PS3 vs XBOX 360 1080p ?

would it really hurt having 16 black lines of pixels? I`d take that over a picture that gets blurred by a scaler (and then gets blurred again when upscaled to 1080p on the TV).

Probably not, but I should have stated I was thinking about other resolutions, not just 704, where proper alignment will be better for scaling.
Ideally they would just go 1080p and at most you'd have to downscale the image for a 720p TV. I have never seen an upscaler that impressed me, and the ones that cause an edge enhancement effect are definitely my least favorite in every scenario except perhaps cartoon/cell shading visuals.

Actually what scalers do for me is make me wish we had display devices that didn't need them. ;) LCD and plasma panels certainly have one huge caveat there compared to CRTs even if they outperform CRTs in every other way.
I'm sure the next machines will be 100% 1080p but isn't there a resolution jump coming to TVs down the road again? Surely there is.

I'm not sure there's a case to be made for that. HDTV household penetration (households with at least one digital television) only reached parity with Analog TV's last year in the US. In otherwords roughly half of households with a Television in the US are still sub HD. It should surpass analog penetration this year, but IMO, that's still way to early to be looking at and pushing higher resolutions.

Hmmm, and parity isn't quite the right word because I think households with at least one analog TV is still slightly greater than 80% while digital TV's are somewhere around 50%.

I'm not sure there's a case to be made for that. HDTV household penetration (households with at least one digital television) only reached parity with Analog TV's last year in the US. In otherwords roughly half of households with a Television in the US are still sub HD.
Good point.

Well I just think that the next consoles are going to be so much more powerful than the current ones that 1080p might just be a no brainer. We're talking the longest generational gap in console history here. I wouldn't be surprised if the next boxes rival today's fastest giant GPUs considering they are still a few years off.

But like Alstrong suggested, it wouldn't be entirely surprising to see more effects given priority again over resolution and other things like FSAA and AF.
Aye, IMO, the less graphically impressive games will probably be 1080p (games that aren't really pushing the console hardware), while the BEST looking games will target 720p for the next generation and be pushing the consoles hard.

I had some initial concerns regarding having my PS3 set to 1080p and some games that apparently run much worse with this settings (i.e. GT5). Turns out, it's not really a huge issue. Yes, GT5 does have some occasional tearing or slow downs, but it's not that bad.

GTA4, CoD4, MGS4,FF13 just off the top of my head... I don't play GTA4 nor CoD4, but have seen them running on my PS3 when friends have come over to play on my screen with their copies. We kept flipping the 1080 option to see what our preference was, even putting our eyes a 1/2 meter from the screen...

How scientific are these tests? Does GTA4 and CoD4 even display beyond 720p? I played both these games and can't remember any real issues. Certainly, GTA4 runs crap regardless if in 720p or 1080p mode (if there is in fact a difference). CoD4 seemed sooth 99.5% of the time, just as MW2 and CoD5 and BlackOps. MGS4 does probably run a bit worse as it has a 1080p mode AFAIK.

Anyway, 1080p is worth while for me because the XMB is so pretty and I do enjoy quite a few games that are native 1080p (WipEout, PixelJunk games, Super Stardust).