[PS3] Resistance 3 [SPOILER ALERT - Contains R2 story discussion]

Same footage we've seen played before.

Initially i thought the IQ was terrible, then i realized half of it was the youtube video compression and the other was the fog effects.

The last bit of footage in the windy town was the most impressive, and every bit superior graphically to the previous games. i also liked the fluidness of motion of the battle. The animations for the humans etc, the gusty wind effects were superb too :D

Looking forward to this one.
R3 Multiplayer Preview:

Looks unique ! ^_^
(Reminds me of RFOM)

Yeah ! :D That looks super cool ! Fast n Fun like RFOM but with lots of new bells n whistles, I say ! I saw a turret in there, as well as a Health beacon or something that could be destroyed, also the "ram forward" power we saw in the earlier videos too. I think this will be a blast , fingers crossed !:p
Ha ha... care to team up again one day ?

Yeah ! I miss online a lot. Will be back someday when I shift my ps3 to my workplace !
Till then , here's the full MP video from insomniac for the Trainyard Map :

Shows a lot more of the gameplay and weapons and powers/perks !
Insomniac will be revealing their new IP on Spike TV on monday !!!!!

Can't freaking wait :p ! New universe, new game.....time for a new thread :cool: ! Insomniac is on a roll !
I see it now (Thanks !).
SP non-gameplay footage. :(

They should talk about the AI, and other MP goodies. When they see the ribbons, some GAF folks are going to claim that it's a CoD clone. ^_^ Hope there is a mechanism for us to turn off all the perks and play it oldschool. KZ2 and RFOM have open custom games, which seem to appeal to them.
They seem to like it so far
...until they know more about perks (any sort of perks). They usually blow up at that point for any MP FPS. :runaway:

Perks will ruin any good MP FPS. I'm not sure what it is about FPS' that attracts so much horrible game design.
I hope for an oldschool mode too, but perks don't really affect me either way. I haven't played CoD online much.

I'd like a Metal Gears Online mode though. e.g., Let some of us play different Chimeran villians to go after the other regular players.