One of the smallest big things in there for me is being able to power up and power down my PS3 while using Remote Control with PSP. Neat. I think a few people here have been hoping for that.
This is a litle off topic with the thread but since you mentioned remote play I d like to ask now that I have the chance.
I took my PSP to my friend's and we tried to use remote play. The PSP wouldnt connect through unless there was some kind of online network like a router connected to the PS3 or I had to use a USB cable.
I found a little weird since I was expecting it to connect with the PS3 wirelessly without the need of a router or a USB.
Have we done something wrong? I am sure it is supposed to communicate the same way with the PS32 PSP's do in the same room
Mod: Moved from the TGS discussion thread b/c OT.