I mean in logic circuits. Rather than just boolean conditional, and score counters, you can construct circuits that work on signal strength. Which basically means you can have what amount to variables and test for conditions within a scale of values. You can have a timer storing a variable, that increases a bit every time you collect a token, and decreases every time you collide, say, and when it reaches certain points, certain things happen. Equivalent to :
IF (score > 80){
do stuff
}ELSE IF (score > 50){
do stuff
}ELSE IF (score > 20){
do stuff
The lack of a decent variable structure in and ability to add or subtract a value to it is a definite limiting factor, but there are workarounds. Although as the blog explains, they are headache inducing. An ADD is achieve with 3 subtractions, because the analogue circuits don't work with negative values. Except some that do. And some that don't do what you'd expect at all. And binary signals that are processed in parallel but with a completely different pathway and lead to unexpected results.
It is very complex and would need a lot of work to master. Just starting with memorising AND = min(), OR = max(), and DIRECTION COMBINER = |a| - |b|...
IF (score > 80){
do stuff
}ELSE IF (score > 50){
do stuff
}ELSE IF (score > 20){
do stuff
The lack of a decent variable structure in and ability to add or subtract a value to it is a definite limiting factor, but there are workarounds. Although as the blog explains, they are headache inducing. An ADD is achieve with 3 subtractions, because the analogue circuits don't work with negative values. Except some that do. And some that don't do what you'd expect at all. And binary signals that are processed in parallel but with a completely different pathway and lead to unexpected results.
It is very complex and would need a lot of work to master. Just starting with memorising AND = min(), OR = max(), and DIRECTION COMBINER = |a| - |b|...