[PS3] Killzone 3

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You're full of crap. People are doing the opposite and isolating an individual compromise made in Killzone 3 repeating comments about it while holding that compromise up as proof that the game is "ugly", or technically deficient..

I think maybe the two sides are just misunderstanding each other, because I'm not hearing anyone say that Killzone 3 is an ugly game. I guess you can question their motivations, but I haven't noticed anyone posting that Killzone 3 is flat out ugly to look at. If someone wants to point out something they don't like about the visuals, that should be ok.
scott arm is right...all of these KZ3 folks using PR and hyperbole to try to stealthily imply that the PS3 is somehow more powerful than 360
between KZ threads and Crysis threads
and getting butt hurt every time someone points out a compromise that was made in KZ.

It all started the day IGN said C2 could be the new console graphics king.

C2 fanboys are doing exact same things, both threads are full of shit :rolleyes: Just create "C2 vs KZ3 offical trolling thread" and go there to bitch about graphics in both games people...
You wish. Point to one post in the C2 thread where somebody claims it's a generation ahead of its peers.

We even indulged the nonsense about guys with masks having poor facial animation :LOL:

The only reason the criticism is such a big deal is due to fanboys who can't even consider their game of choice being less than an order of magnitude superior to its peers in every single possible area XD

I think maybe the two sides are just misunderstanding each other, because I'm not hearing anyone say that Killzone 3 is an ugly game. I guess you can question their motivations, but I haven't noticed anyone posting that Killzone 3 is flat out ugly to look at. If someone wants to point out something they don't like about the visuals, that should be ok.
It's because in their mind it's a simple dichotomy, if you don't think it's the best thing ever then you're obviously a hater who thinks the game sucks xD
Point to one post in the C2 thread where somebody claims it's a generation ahead of its peers.

Would you please quote the post in this thread doing the same? I know something similar happened, but I don't remember the context.

As for ugly, there was one post about that but the overarching perspective of some posters is totally myopic in response to any positive critique, subjective or not.

a. "This game looks great!"
b. "The god rays are fake."
a. "But look at how the curtains billow in the wind!"
b. "The god rays are fake."
a. "Look at the waves, they're pretty cool!"
b. "The god rays are fake."
a. "Have you see the object based motion blur?"
b. "The god rays are fake."

It makes for a brainless, circuitous conversation.
Would you please quote the post in this thread doing the same? I know something similar happened, but I don't remember the context.

As for ugly, there was one post about that but the overarching perspective of some posters is totally myopic in response to any positive critique, subjective or not.

a. "This game looks great!"
b. "The god rays are fake."
a. "But look at how the curtains billow in the wind!"
b. "The god rays are fake."
a. "Look at the waves, they're pretty cool!"
b. "The god rays are fake."
a. "Have you see the object based motion blur?"
b. "The god rays are fake."

It makes for a brainless, circuitous conversation.
You're totally misrepresenting what actually happened. One poster chimed in saying that Killzone 2 used volumetric lighting. Another pointed out that the "god rays" in Killzone 2 are "fake". Alan Wake got brought up as an example of "real god rays", and that spun out into some extremely flawed comparisons.

Nobody has called the game ugly. I believe one user called the base diffuse texture on one of the NPC's ugly, but that was just one texture.
Whatever it takes... I don't like reading this crap when I want to discuss the actual game.
Seems like most of the discussion so far, is between people who haven't even played it.

I think a KZ3 vs C2 thread is needed.
Whatever it takes... I don't like reading this crap when I want to discuss the actual game.
Seems like most of the discussion so far, is between people who haven't even played it.

I think a KZ3 vs C2 thread is needed.
I think the topic should be about personal feelings when discussing games, both the good and the bad ;)
It's you who should research a bit, I posted EVIDENCE. Now, why are you getting so defensive? Somebody mentioned KZ2/3 used volumetric lighting, I corrected them showing what it actually is with a real world example. Did I at any point said AW was better than KZ3? No.

If you don't want to be corrected, I suggest researching what the specific technology is before making factual statements about it ;)

+1 to Ruskie's post.

Hm, what evidence ? Someone noticed that the AW lighting doesn't generally interact with the player's position. That one AW video certainly can't prove for all cases. Along with it, there are quite a few issues in that game. So I don't think it's a great implementation.

Someone said they are impressed by the godray in a KZ3 shot. You're the one who speculated that it must be an intensive volumetric lighting technique people refer to. >_<

I'm sure that whatever is written in the Alan Wake thread should not be treated as gospel, since, like in every other platform exclusive thread, things degraded into an Xbox vs Playstation war. What's with the passive-aggressive strikethrough?

It's just a simple reminder to not focus only on negative points.
I think the topic should be about personal feelings when discussing games, both the good and the bad ;)
Just stop and move on man, I'm so tired of seeing your trolling and derailing it ain't cute nemore.

Anyway I'm about 2hrs into the campaign and holy shit did it impress! GG has gone total nuts with the amount of polygons, high res textures, particles and dynamic lights with this baby, the level of improvements over kz2 is just as big if not bigger than uc1-uc2. I spent more than a few occasions just to stop and take in all the visuals since the screen is so busy for your eyes. At this stage I honestly don't give a crap about HDR any more as the lighting is more than amble, or simply because the rest of the package is so damn impressive. This game absolutely has to be seen in motion on your HDTV guys, KZ3 is now well above and beyond UC2 & GoW3 graphically as an overall package. That's it for now, will return after beating the game:).
Seems like people are more interested in arguing about fake god rays or whatever than discussing the actual game lol. :???:

Anyone here played the MP yet? What class is everyone using? Is it me or does the infiltrator class seem overpowered?

Oh and the game looks very good. GOW3 does look better overall, but KZ3 is doing a lot more. The only thing that looks out of place so far is the janky looking fire. Even the MP maps look great. Especially that map with the giant walker being built.
scott arm is right...all of these KZ3 folks using PR and hyperbole to try to stealthily imply that the PS3 is somehow more powerful than 360
between KZ threads and Crysis threads
and getting butt hurt every time someone points out a compromise that was made in KZ.

It all started the day IGN said C2 could be the new console graphics king.

responding to the hyperbole nonsense in this thread and calling it what it is

don't be a dick

sounds like I hit a nerve with my assessment of the dynamic in these threads lately

A few PS3 gamers and one PC gamer posted that they think KZ3 is the "greatest", whatever that means. From your own posts, it seems that you're the one who felt that these statements implied PS3 is somehow more powerful than 360. I certainly didn't feel that way. A lot of these credits go to the developers, not necessarily the system. >_<

You're totally misrepresenting what actually happened. One poster chimed in saying that Killzone 2 used volumetric lighting. Another pointed out that the "god rays" in Killzone 2 are "fake". Alan Wake got brought up as an example of "real god rays", and that spun out into some extremely flawed comparisons.

Nobody has called the game ugly. I believe one user called the base diffuse texture on one of the NPC's ugly, but that was just one texture.

Some commented that KZ3 screenshots are ZOMGWTFBBQ because of blah blah... godray... blah blah
L. Scofield jumped in and speculated that they must be referring to some specific implementation of volumetric lighting.
There are indeed fake godray techniques to simulate volumetric light scattering (some based on post-processing techniques too !). I don't see what's wrong with that.

EDIT: They can change implementation from scene to scene also.
I think we are done now, yes? From now on, discussion of the game here, and discussion of the game's tech maybe in one of the game tech threads?
Anyone here played the MP yet? What class is everyone using? Is it me or does the infiltrator class seem overpowered?

Nope, haven't gone online yet.
I just saved Narville.

Oh and the game looks very good. GOW3 does look better overall, but KZ3 is doing a lot more. The only thing that looks out of place so far is the janky looking fire.

I like KZ2's character art and animation better. KZ3 main characters seem a tad stiff in comparison.

The handling is definitely smoother in KZ3. It's also easier on the eyes.

The game still stutters a little sometimes because of micro-loading, but much better than KZ2 (Thank God !)

I like the jungle level. The mech level is nice too. So far, they mixed up the gameplay rather well.
Some commented that KZ3 screenshots are ZOMGWTFBBQ because of blah blah... godray... blah blah
L. Scofield jumped in and speculated that they must be referring to some specific implementation of volumetric lighting.
There are indeed fake godray techniques to simulate volumetric light scattering (some based on post-processing techniques too !). I don't see what's wrong with that.

Resume is he was right and then why all this drama for several pages including talk about unrelated material regarding AW outside of godrays, lots of personal emotions expressed and attempts to spin it around not realy tied to initial discussion?

And even if static they do the work and look good. But they are static.

Well, you can start with the scale, draw distance, amount of smoke, gun model, god rays, character models, and amount of AA all on screen at the same time. What's the opposite of hyberbole? ;)

...Fake, god rays. They don't react to geometry passing through them...
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Resume is he was right and then why all this drama for several pages including talk about unrelated material regarding AW outside of godrays, lots of personal emotions expressed and attempts to spin it around not realy tied to initial discussion?

And even if static they do the work and look good. But they are static.

You're assuming they only do one thing. As I mentioned, the KZ2 warehouse godray casts shadow. It's up to the developers to make their level convincing with assorted techniques. Together, they can still be impressive and computationally intensive.

For the Alan Wake example, given that the game downgraded other stuff, and the implementation rarely interact with player position, it is unclear the technique is suitable for KZ3 (Not worth the sacrifices !). As for personal emotion expressed, there was really none. I was having fun imitating L.Scofield in a short post (Don't have time to type a long one). ^_^

If you read further, you'll see Scofield is the first one who brought up volumetric lighting.

EDIT: Like so...
I'm curious about the smoke column and godrays. I remember the godrays in the KZ2 warehouse did cast shadows. At least I could see my own shadow while I monkeyed around in the warehouse, trying to poke holes in their system. It may change scene by scene though. I think we should play the games ourselves before claiming that it does this or does not do this.

Volumetric lightinhg/shadowing in KZ2 was non-existant. Those shafts in the warehouse were hand placed not unlike this:

You see... I think shutting people up won't help. The reason I posted more is because I think people want to talk about it in the open... now that they get their mind out. :LOL:
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