It seems Sony might actually pull off their billion transistor Broadband Engine chip since the Nvidia 222 million transistor 6800 at 0.13 microns is roughly equivalent to a 1 billion transistor chip at 0.065 microns interms of die size! Shrinking the design lines by half, allows four times more transistors in the same area.
Since a quarter of the Broadband Engine is eDRAM (32 MB), and those transitors more closely packed togeather than logic, it will most likely have a die size smaller than the current 0.13 microns 6800, as it's almost all logic.
Since a quarter of the Broadband Engine is eDRAM (32 MB), and those transitors more closely packed togeather than logic, it will most likely have a die size smaller than the current 0.13 microns 6800, as it's almost all logic.