PS3: Die Size and Transistor Counts


It seems Sony might actually pull off their billion transistor Broadband Engine chip since the Nvidia 222 million transistor 6800 at 0.13 microns is roughly equivalent to a 1 billion transistor chip at 0.065 microns interms of die size! Shrinking the design lines by half, allows four times more transistors in the same area.

Since a quarter of the Broadband Engine is eDRAM (32 MB), and those transitors more closely packed togeather than logic, it will most likely have a die size smaller than the current 0.13 microns 6800, as it's almost all logic.
Edge said:
It seems Sony might actually pull off their billion transistor Broadband Engine...

Let say they (STI) do pull it off. I am interested in what ??GHz will it be running at, going along with a similar line you're taking with the Nvidia chip.

Yes, the Cell will be dev with Low-k tech, etc... compared to nVidia, but will heat not be an issue? Or will Sony find a cooling solution to match?
All manner of logistics will be issues. Plus, keep in mind nVidia is packing this onto one card that costs $400-500, while Sony is trying to build a whole machine with lots of chipwear and components for $300-400. (Though granted nVidia's got to sell for profit, while console makers can take a loss hardware-wise.)

Just what the final form will look like is anybody's guess. For myself, I'd just like to see more information and some physical existance of the chips to see what's up with them. ^_^