PS3 Demos

rumor is the N/A store is getting GT5P, NFS PS, PES08 and WWE SD vs Raw 08 demos this week. hope this is true and i hope we get a different GT5P demo.

A GT5P demo would be surprising as first of all Prologue hasn't even been announced for the US, and second of all the current Japanese one was tailor made for the Tokyo Motor Show.

That's not to say it wouldn't be wise of them to release some kind of GT related demo, but it would be completely out of the blue.
Anyone else not managing to get into the Store today? I can't seem to get in there ...

EDIT: On Neogaf it's reported as being down. There's a lot of content to be released for Europen though, it seems!

United Kingdom:

-Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction demo
-Tony Hawk: Proving Ground demo
-PixelJunk Racers - £4.99/€7.99
-PS Eye - Aqua Vita - £1.99/€2.99
-PS Eye - Eye Create (video/picture editing software) - free
-PS Eye - Operation Creature Feature - £3.49/€4.99
-PS Eye - Trials of Topaq - £3.49/€4.99
-Folklore DLC - Kidnapped Pack - £1.49/€1.99
-MotorStorm DLC - Halloween livery - free

-Eye of Judgment - "Introduction"
-Metal Gear Online - "TGS 2007"
-Midnight Club LA
-Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection Online
-Toy Home
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It was down, I just got into the UK store though, although I still couldn't get in the American or Japanese one
boo, no demos on the N.A. store.

anyone who downloaded the R&C demo from the UK store, can you tell me if theres an invert y-axis option?
Thanks, seems to be back up. Really want a PS Eye now ... :D
Uncharted demo confirmed for November 8th on the N.A. store! also, Burnout Paradise demo dated for January 22nd 2008 and theres a demo coming to PSN/XBL in December.
i also added a "coming soon" section.
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Uncharted demo confirmed for November 8th on the N.A. store!
Awesome. :)

I'm finally ready to start doing this demo thing properly... I upgraded my PS3's hard drive from 20GB to 160GB, so now I can download anything I want and never fear for space. But right now, I'm still on 768K DSL, which means demo downloads often take hours. But I'm upgrading to 8MB cable on Monday, so now I don't have to pick and choose what I want to spend time downloading.
Timeshift is advertising a bit.

It's another FPS though, with the gimmick of being able to slow down or rewind time?
From comments at threespeech, what Europe gets today (which turned out pretty much right) and what we'll get next week:

1 November:
GT Tokyo Motorshow – Video
Uncharted Drake’s Fortune – Video(Meet the Dogs)
Feel Ski – (7.99€)
Mesmerize Distort & Trace – PS Eye
Tori Emaki – PS Eye

8 November:
Tekken 5: DR Online
Blast Factor: Advanced Research (2.99€)
Folkore – Bottom of the Sea pack
MotorStorm – Devil Crossing pack
Ratchet & Clank Future – trailer
Snakeball – (7.99€)
got TimeShift and it was alright i guess. i prefer FEAR's slow motion implementation more. i do like how you can steal enemy weapons though.
visuals were pretty good at times, others it looked meh. framerate was pretty good, didn't notice many (if any) slowdowns, even at the part where you use the turret.

possible rental for me.
Timeshift gave me a headache. The rain effect plus the time effects were disorienting. The framerate seemed 20-25ish and the limited (if any) AA really is really distracting on a bigger screen. Low res textures and confusing environment was disappointing. I also didn't like how slow it felt like I was moving, reminded me of the Darkness, like I weighed 400 pounds. Doubt I'll give this one a second thought.
framerate seemed more like 25-30 to me. i didn't really see any aliasing, but the rain effect was laid on pretty heavy making everything look weird. textures were hit and miss, some were ok while some were very muddy. running speed wasn't THAT slow imo, maybe a tad slower than typical shooters.

overall, i agree, not very impressive.
The final game has it (and invert x) if that's what you're wondering.
i know it does, i was just wondering if they added it to the UK demo because i wanted to try it with inverted axis. i bought the game from but they sold more than they could order so my order has been delayed. :(
Wow @ Uncharted! Can't wait to get this title. Buttery frame rates, almost zero tearing, beautiful environments, easy controls....very impressed.
Toy Home is a great addition to PSN. Nice colors, use of Havok, and very kid friendly too. It's not perfect, but the motion controls work well for me and there's a lot to do. I'll buy this when the full game becomes available in Europe. PSN needs more of these, fits well alongside Super Rub-a-Dub.