PS3 Demos

Toy Home is a great addition to PSN. Nice colors, use of Havok, and very kid friendly too. It's not perfect, but the motion controls work well for me and there's a lot to do. I'll buy this when the full game becomes available in Europe. PSN needs more of these, fits well alongside Super Rub-a-Dub.

I was going to completely dismiss it based on that video that was posted on PSN a few weeks ago, but, I think I'll give the demo a look now.
Tuesday? Why on Tuesday? I hope they have a surprise for us

Tuesday so that they don't release it on Thanksgiving. Probably giving the PSN people, and PSN certification people, the day off, I would guess. And possibly to appease families who don't want their kids running off in the middle of Thanksgiving, at 5 pm EST on the dot, to go check for updates. :D Well, kids, husbands, uncles, etc. :LOL:
Europe got Uncharted and Blazing Angels last night ... :) (and some Motorstorm DLC and such)
excuse the awful format - posting from my ps3 without keyboard. has anyone seen the club demo on the Euro psn? dl'ing it now - its huge! is it even new? don't think i've seen it before...
They had some update in EU and Japan. The EU update is what slider is talking about. Blog says no update this week since the guys at Sony are off.
excuse the awful format - posting from my ps3 without keyboard. has anyone seen the club demo on the Euro psn? dl'ing it now - its huge! is it even new? don't think i've seen it before...

OMG that game is beautiful! Seems fun if you manage to combo off.

Oh, and it is old, that is why it is on the first page of "latest" :D
The Club? What game is that? Never heard of it.

Generaly they added almost nothing right? Bleh. And I wanted some christmas surprise