Neither do i. But things i see around, dont point to the "happening" any soon.I don't know.
Its out. It doesnt fragment, but neither is it able to push new standards and contents.HDTV is out, it works and conforment(well enough not to fragment anything).
I dont think they are shoddy(maybe the PS2 lens...but.oh...nevermind), i just think they are overpriced and at times undervalued.I realise you think they are shoddy and overpriced, and that is valid.
like you said, "overall picture". i too am saying inhouse prodction, alone, doesnt gaurentee you profits, in my original post.again hows does that affect the benefits reaped from in house production?
hey! thats what i said before. duh! good that we's not that Sony is the leading 'brand' nor that the brand is associated with uber HQ products.