PS2 sales slowing and slowing ....

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I don't know.
Neither do i. But things i see around, dont point to the "happening" any soon.

HDTV is out, it works and conforment(well enough not to fragment anything).
Its out. It doesnt fragment, but neither is it able to push new standards and contents.

I realise you think they are shoddy and overpriced, and that is valid.
I dont think they are shoddy(maybe the PS2 lens...but.oh...nevermind), i just think they are overpriced and at times undervalued. :p

again hows does that affect the benefits reaped from in house production?
like you said, "overall picture". i too am saying inhouse prodction, alone, doesnt gaurentee you profits, in my original post.

it's not that Sony is the leading 'brand' nor that the brand is associated with uber HQ products.
hey! thats what i said before. duh! good that we agree. :D how bout the others?
Dude, they're a frickin manufacturing company. For such a company with that corperate structure, they're hardly struggling - if anything they're one of the only such companies that's attempting to break free from the sheer volume/cost basis game.

Didnt the likes of Matsushita and Samsung reported, comparatively, healthy gains? The infamous 98% thingie has caused mur-murs throughout the coporate world. I think its fair to say Sony is "struggling".

What?!? How? You've freely admitted to not understanding WTF they're talking about (ergo have Panajev do a write-up). And even if we assume that you have no idea what you're talking about, you still screwed up as it's a "three-way hack job" since IBM and Toshiba are sinking equal shares into the architectural development.
I know its a 3-way deal, but its only Sony, or specifically KK and his team, going ga-ga over Cell lah-lah presently. Hey Toshiba does the EE, but where is it today in their ranks?

Im not surprised if IBM and Toshiba are in it more for the process and manufacturing gains.
one last time

like you said, "overall picture". i too am saying inhouse prodction, alone, doesnt gaurentee you profits, in my original post.

how does this affect the benefits (you can put potential in there if you are feeling pessimistic) of in-house production?

Neither do i. But things i see around, dont point to the "happening" any soon.

then we have differing concepts of the word 'happening'.

Didnt the likes of Matsushita and Samsung reported, comparatively, healthy gains? The infamous 98% thingie has caused mur-murs throughout the coporate world. I think its fair to say Sony is "struggling".

I don't think you are qualified to make that statement.
one last time
how does this affect the benefits (you can put potential in there if you are feeling pessimistic) of in-house production?

one last time, if you have read my original post, i think inhouse is good, but it does not mean good inhouse alone, it will give you the profits. You get it? Here you go...


ME: I am always thinking, just because Sony !"might"! use Cell in their other stuff, why is it good for their profits?

VINCE: It's good for the company because you're not funneling as much of that $8Billion a year to 3rd parties to make ICs that you can yourself in your pre-established infastructure needed for SCE.


Whatmore, im going with a limp and say Cell primarily profits are not in the hardware, but in the softwares and services and such that Sony can provide with their connected world. BUT are they to be enough Cellers to payback Sony for their invested hardware and software setup?
chaphack said:
notAFanB said:
I don't think you are qualified to make that statement.

*I* sure dont, but shareholders, investors, watchers, whatnot and even Sony themselves, are pretty concerned. ;)

I don't think you are qualified to make that statement.

one last time, if you have read my original post, i think inhouse is good, but it does not mean good inhouse alone, it will give you the profits. You get it? Here you go...

yes, yes I do
I wonder how people can twist facts and present a diff picture.

Sony is the Leader in consoles by a HUGE margin and it MS XB which is struggling and still some are claiming Sony is going bust.....

Strange logic... :rolleyes:
notAFanB said:
I don't think you are qualified to make that statement.

Like i saya, me no, but other "qualified" guys/reports are..

"Chief Executive Officer Nobuyuki Idei has vowed to reverse the slide in profit by introducing new products and a plan to cut jobs, which he will unveil on Oct. 28."

"The Sony results at first glance don't seem to be good at all,'' said Shinobu Kobayashi, who manages about $100 million in Japanese equities as a fund manager at UAM Japan Inc. "The focus will be on what Sony will be telling us on the 28th about how it intends to turn its business around.''

"Sony cut its forecast for operating profit to take account of the rise in the yen against the dollar and because it failed to lower PlayStation 2 production costs as much as expected, Chief Financial Officer Takao Yuhara told reporters in Tokyo. "

"The fall in quarterly profit and downbeat forecast stand in stark contrast to improving results elsewhere in Asia's consumer electronics sector, including a better-than-expected 6.6 percent rise in third-quarter profit at Samsung Electronics Co Ltd
Japanese rivals Matsushita Electric Industrial -- maker of the Panasonic brand -- and Sharp Corp are expected to announce a rise in profit when they report next week. And South Korea's LG Electronics reported a 93 jump in quarterly profit earlier on Thursday."

"Shares in Sony have severely underperformed rivals since the start of the Japanese business year in April"

"Japan's Sony Corp (NYSE:SNE - news) (news - web sites). plans to cut 15,000-20,000 jobs or about 10 percent of its global group workforce by the end of March 2006, as it pulls out from unprofitable operations"

more doom and gloom if you are bothered to find them, goes as back to the 98% days. Seriously, how can anyone say Sony is not struggling presently...:shrugs:
i thought it was clear that all these chap-generated anti-sony pro-MS threads were just troll-ground. made by a troll in order to disrupt the boards with usual "my box is better than yours" discussions....

guess i was right... :rolleyes:

i mean, i wouldnt mind if he actually knew something about economics, but he doesn't.

he (and many others) doesn't know anything about economics, still he thinks he is in the position to judge and make comments on Corporate decisions made by people who have been in the business for longer than he has lived.

he (and many others) doesn't know anything about 3D graphics and architectures, still he thinks he is in the position to judge and make comments on the matter. Most of us here might not know everything about this either, but at least many of us don't go around trolling the place with stupid comments.
more doom and gloom if you are bothered to find them, goes as back to the 98% days. Seriously, how can anyone say Sony is not struggling presently...:shrugs:

please read the article you posted an try to understand the content, before sifting through for stuff that suits your agenda thanks.

an example:

The focus will be on what Sony will be telling us on the 28th about how it intends to turn its business around.''

and also

Japan's Sony Corp (NYSE:SNE - news) (news - web sites). plans to cut 15,000-20,000 jobs or about 10 percent of its global group workforce by the end of March 2006, as it pulls out from unprofitable operations

and lastly

Shares in Sony have severely underperformed rivals since the start of the Japanese business year in April

cannot be read un-ambigiously for someone whom has no prior experience nor knowledge of corporate markets (read -- me).
cannot be read un-ambigiously for someone whom has no prior experience nor knowledge of corporate markets (read -- me).

and it shouldn't, since it has NO relevance whatsoever with this board (which someone might remember is about Consoles and 3D Graphics, not about economics).
notAFanB said:
more doom and gloom if you are bothered to find them, goes as back to the 98% days. Seriously, how can anyone say Sony is not struggling presently...:shrugs:

please read the article you posted an try to understand the content, before sifting through for stuff that suits your agenda thanks.

an example:

The focus will be on what Sony will be telling us on the 28th about how it intends to turn its business around.''

and also

Japan's Sony Corp (NYSE:SNE - news) (news - web sites). plans to cut 15,000-20,000 jobs or about 10 percent of its global group workforce by the end of March 2006, as it pulls out from unprofitable operations

and lastly

Shares in Sony have severely underperformed rivals since the start of the Japanese business year in April

cannot be read un-ambigiously for someone whom has no prior experience nor knowledge of corporate markets (read -- me).

I think it simply means Sony is not doing well(ie "struggling") and in the process of restructuring, trying to "start" doing well? :LOL:

So yeay "qualified" economic gurus, tell us more just like what the 3D gurus have done b4....any..interpret for us?
which someone might remember is about Consoles and 3D Graphics, not about economics).

Playstation is a Console and it does 3D Graphics. Strangely enough, it is also produced by Sony. hmmmmmmm.... :?: :oops: :?:
chaphack said:
I think it simply means Sony is not doing well(ie "struggling") and in the process of restructuring, trying to "start" doing well? :LOL:

So yeay "qualified" economic gurus, tell us more just like what the 3D gurus have done b4....any..interpret for us?

Chap, "qualified" people might want to take u seriously if u stopped acting like a child for god's sake.
As it stands, i wouldn't spend my valuable time to explain Economics and Financial Markets to someone who will reply to me with a HOHOHO...
Thank you
I think it simply means Sony is not doing well(ie "struggling") and in the process of restructuring, trying to "start" doing well?

I think it means sony overestimated their performence for the last 2 quarters and are taking this into account with their restructring.

in other words, what aload of unqualified crapbucket.
notAFanB said:
I think it means sony overestimated their performence for the last 2 quarters and are taking this into account with their restructring.

in other words, what aload of unqualified crapbucket.

Which also mean they performed below their expectations?
I blame those analysts, and even Sony CEO. You cant trust any of them. BOOYA you liars! :?
chaphack said:
notAFanB said:
I think it means sony overestimated their performence for the last 2 quarters and are taking this into account with their restructring.

in other words, what aload of unqualified crapbucket.

Which also mean they performed below their expectations?
I blame those analysts, and even Sony CEO. You cant trust any of them. BOOYA you liars! :?

read that again chap.
notAFanB said:
I think it simply means Sony is not doing well(ie "struggling") and in the process of restructuring, trying to "start" doing well?

I think it means sony overestimated their performence for the last 2 quarters and are taking this into account with their restructring.

in other words, what aload of unqualified crapbucket.

No it has nothing to do with that, or at least it has more to do with market fluctuations and overall investments. We all know Sony has been spending LOADS of money on their "restructurisation".

That doesn't necessarely mean they are "struggling", since they can afford to invest capital assuming they will turn to profit in little time when their next generation hardware is out.

You should know, chap, that investments for corporations are different from investments for households. one is long-term, the other is more focused on "quick fixes" (having liquidity ready at any time). guess which one is connected to Sony's investments...
Need i remind you peeps about THIS,

"TOKYO (Reuters) - Consumer electronics giant Sony Corp. said on Thursday that group net profit tumbled 98 percent in the latest quarter, hurt by slumping sales for its Trinitron televisions and waning demand for PlayStation 2 game consoles.

Profit gains generated by its life insurance business could not offset weakness from the lack of a box-office blockbuster like last year's "Spider-Man" and falling sales of Vaio personal computers and stereo systems.

Sony is scrambling to rebuild its reputation after last year's shock fourth quarter loss, which prompted the company to unveil 300 billion yen in streamlining over three years to revamp its electronics business and improve profitability."

That started the slide. They have to spend loads to stop the slide. The fact still remains that they are struggling with their present setup and have to revamp their plans.
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