chaphack said:
oh! just recall, didnt Sony lamented on how broadband acceptance + technology, is not moving as hot as they predicted?
Um, no? But, kinda interesting, last I heard Sony (among others) was funding research into high speed intercontinential data transmission. I think they're funded program just set new Trans-Atlantic records out of UofWashington and UofIllinois I believe.
Now, not only, have they to "persuade" regular users to "upgrade" to a flashy tech-lifestyle, but also to "hope" for the best in things that are out of their control.
Kinda like how "they" have to persuade consumers to buy
ANY new product at all. I mean, I'm sitting here pondering why on earth I'm not using my parents furnature, their Black & White TVs and my gramp's ModelT....
You see Chaps, in the marketplace such as Sony's, you suceed by offering a product that has added intrinsic value to the customer over the competition and what he already has. Be this the Sony name, or their style, or an interconnected
Cell distibution fabric - it doesn't matter.
This is the type of "fringe" product that has historically made Sony the household name it is today. If it was the Walkman, or the Trinitron, or the CD -
Cell is just another. And when you look at the demogrpahics of whose spending in the Western World today, you see that the people who actually spend (eg. not you) are the people who: (a) want these "fringe" product, (b) will sacrifice money for convinence.
I am always thinking, just because Sony !"might"! use Cell in their other stuff, why is it good for their profits? You certainly DO NOT needa Cell CPU in a TV to show pictures. You also DO NOT needa Cell cpu to have a connected home. Conversely, adding one extra Cell might just raise the price over competitiors "Cell-less" solution...
It's good for the company because you're not funneling as much of that $8Billion a year to 3rd parties to make ICs that you can yourself in your pre-established infastructure needed for SCE.
You don't "needa" many of the features in PS2 either (eg. backwards compatability, DVD playing, CD playing) but what you fail to understand is that it creates added value to the consumer. Sony is an extravogant brandname, people expect this type of thing. People want pervasive computing, there isn't a damn home electronics company out there that's not talking about doing something similar, albeit on a smaller scale. Shit, I saw a Philips presentation once that had Cell in it under the connected home of the future.
Sony might make the cash from software applications and services from Cell stuff, but are regular people hot enough to jump on the internet BB-or-whacha thingie, and help Sony earn back their risky investements?
You do realize, that even if the adoption of people who use
Cell broadband fabric to buy/move Sony digital media is small - they basically make pure profit since the overhead is static and negligable. You see what Microsoft is doing with software... that's what this is, just on a smaller scale. Sony has the digitized media (which is an enormous collection as they control much of Movie/TV and some Music) already, to make 1 digital copy or 50,000 is irrlevant.
Home electronics........ hmmmmmmmm.... Tough call. Are they even trying to tie up big brothers like Samsung and Panasonic etc? You know, Cell might just seem to be yet another hohoho-solo Sony i-can-do-it-all-along attempt.
Sony is a... < gasp > Home electronics manufacturer. And, what amuses me even more is when people like yourself jump on this, "hohoho-solo Sony i-can-do-it-all-along" bandwagon of hate when there was just a thread on how Sony is working with Intel and 14 seconds in google finds:
[url said:[/url]]Sony, Royal Philips Electronics and Matsushita, which makes the Panasonic brand, are among the founding members of the CE Linux Forum (CELF), which was announced Tuesday. Its goals include defining the technical requirements that will make Linux more suitable for consumer devices and promoting wider use of the OS in the consumer electronics industry, according to a joint statement....
The other members of the group are Toshiba, Hitachi, NEC, Samsung, and Sharp. IBM is also "pursuing membership in the group" and plans to be an active participant, according to the CELF statement. IBM couldn't immediately be reached for comment early Tuesday.
If you're going to bitch about going "hohoho.. solo" why don't I hear you bitching about Microsoft's empire of propietary products that get shoved down everyone throat. Or Nintendo for just pissing in the wind?
Big task in seems for KK and his matrix dreams.

Um, how about you reserve judgement on who many would consider the father of the mainstream console untill you can write a frickin' coherent sentance?