Panajev2001a said:Fafalada said:Guys, there ARE clip algorithms that work in object space you know.
That doesn't make the whole process any less dumb though - if I am forced to clip my polys on the CPU for 4 planes out of 6, my clip subroutine pretty much won't change at all if I include the last 2 planes in it too.
It just makes the GPU clip feature redundant - like I said originally.
You would be able to clip the polygons before the T&L then if you do it in Object space... I am not sure of the speed as I have never done clipping in Object space, I should read-up on it a bit...
ok, i admit i had completely dismissed clipping in obj space. whereas i shouldn't have and here's why. speed-wise, given that after that clipping the geometry will actually go through the GPU for transformation and lighting, then what Faf suggests could be quite speedy (clip in obj space by the CPU, then pass result to GPU and forget about it). now, if you just had a VFPU to rely on then things could actually get messy speed-wise as you could end up with more vertices to deal with out of the obj-space clipper than were originally there, so eventually more workload to the FPU (that's why i originally dismissed the scheme - my CPU-only mindset shines through). but with a GPU Faf's way could be very advantageous on the PSP.