Primal: first PS2 bump mapped game?

One of the reasons that Stretch Panic is so short is that it looks like something that was originally made to be a technology demo before it was made into a game. The visuals in the game, while completely strange and possibly unappealing to some, are quite impressive. Treasure has managed to put just about every single visual special effect that's become popular over the years into this gem, seemingly just to show the world that they can do it and that the PlayStation 2 can handle it.

Whether it be the Bump Mapping in the Gallery of Shame, the realtime reflections, anti-aliasing (no flicker or jaggies here), environmental mapping, procedural lighting that you'll see throughout the game, Stretch Panic pushes the envelope of special effects that can be done on the system (Insiders can check out some movies of these special effects in the game). It's also very brightly colored and creatively designed, so this is a visual tour de force in several different ways. The only problem is that some people might be completely turned off by the strangely designed characters that will look just too weird for those not used to Treasure's masterpieces. It's simply a matter of taste, I guess.

The oddball character designs might turn some people off, but this is a great tech demo that showcases a ton of amazing special effects. Realtime reflections, bump mapping, and more!
I just read a few other reviews (GameSpot, others) of Stretch Panic, and IGN was the only one to mention bump mapping. Given the time the game was released, the screens/movies I saw, and IGN's tendancy to stretch the truth at times (especially David Z, thank god he's gone), I call that review into question. He even said in the review he was a Treasure fanboi heh.

edit: didn't Treasure back off porting Ikararuga to PS2 because they claimed they couldn't overcome the programming difficulties..? Then they go and put bumpmapping real time into a PS2 game in 2001? Nah uh.
Gandalf said:
zurich said:
Prebaked. I'd wager money that we'll never see bumpmapping in any PS2 games.
There are rumors that we'll see some BM in Ghost Hunter. ;)

Ya Ghost Hunter looks pretty. I think people should stop hoping the PS2 can do bumpmapping (in order to achieve parity with the Xbox [or something]), and instead look to the games that were built groundup for the system, like ZoE2, and marvel at those.

Bumpmapping can be nice, but so are nutty particle effects and the other assortment of yummy vertex tricks the PS2 is known for :)
There must be a mistake.. i meant "Primal", a PS2 game so called.. bump mapping is mentioned in many review, like GameSpot's one.
I'm pretty positive BG:DA has bumpmapping (probably Embossed BM, though) on the floors on some of it's rooms where you get to walk in the dark using a torch. You can see the light distributing over sides of such tiny objects on the floor such as bones, when you walk over them, and I seriously doubt those were modelled.

I'm also pretty sure Primal doesn't have any bumpmapping, but it does have specular mapping and other effects like that, which most people confuse with BM.
Murakami said:
There must be a mistake.. i meant "Primal", a PS2 game so called.. bump mapping is mentioned in many review, like GameSpot's one.

I was talking about Stretch Panic, the game flipswitch brought up.
Speaking of Treasure, Wario World has some bump-mapping but only on one or two bosses. Whether PS2 can perform the task or not.. I don't know. :) Would somebody with PS2 programming experience please chime in?
Blade said:
Speaking of Treasure, Wario World has some bump-mapping but only on one or two bosses. Whether PS2 can perform the task or not.. I don't know. :) Would somebody with PS2 programming experience please chime in?

I thought it was established here a while ago, with comments from Faf, Erp, etc., that bumpmapping is theoretically possible on PS2 via many texture passes, but would be extremely expensive.

Hell, DC could do Dot3 (bumpmapping) natively but never did, so..
zurich said:
Blade said:
Speaking of Treasure, Wario World has some bump-mapping but only on one or two bosses. Whether PS2 can perform the task or not.. I don't know. :) Would somebody with PS2 programming experience please chime in?

I thought it was established here a while ago, with comments from Faf, Erp, etc., that bumpmapping is theoretically possible on PS2 via many texture passes, but would be extremely expensive.

Hell, DC could do Dot3 (bumpmapping) natively but never did, so..

its possible, but they have a hard enough time getting textures on the PS2 that dont look like a muddy mess, I believe them when they say Primal has bumpmapping though, because the rest of the textures in the game look like ass. When they get sharp textures AND Bump mapping, we will be impressed(or, I take it back, the day a PS2 game has medium quality textures at the very least,I will be impressed)
This has been said a couple of other times here but i repeat it someone seem´s to have missed it.
Just if a game has BM it will #WOW# your pants off. It has more become atleast at this forum that if a game has BM it´s direct more advanced than a game without. This is FALSE and just gimmic to prompt a game as superior to another.
Of course BM can make a game look great, but if you wonder if a game has BM and then it has not do that do that game worse???
Yeah whatever CH :rolleyes:

Anyway, I completely agree with overclocked because this term of "bump mapping" has gotten out of hand. I mean, when there's a point when you have to look closely (be it examining screen captures or looping video over and over) to tell whether its TRUE bump mapping or not, then what's the point. Remember Chap's thread on SA2 wondering if there is bump-mapping in the game? Did the fact that SA2 did not have real bump mapping really suddenly degrade the perception on its visual quality?

Basically, if you can't tell the difference between a bump mapped image and a non-bump mapped image, then arguing over true bump mapping (which by the way, is a gimmick in itself to fake geometry) is pointless.
I can't wait when bump mapping dies out, I really just can't. The term is thrown around so much it's not even funny. And whose it thrown around by? Xbox fanboys are the number 1 bump map nuts, always going crazy when they see it, and can infact smell it a mile away on the surface of a texture. Maybe someone should tell them that their system which they praise isn't powerfull enough to render bumps using polygons so it has to use bump mapping? I wonder what they will say then.

Your average xbox owner(including myself) doesn't go nuts over it though, I think of it as a neat effect, obviously not as good as the real thing though.

I can't wait until we get the polygon power to do REAL BUMPS made of polygons and not some trickery bump mapping.
PC-Engine said:
SA2 had beautiful textures so it didn't matter if it was using bumpmapping or not ;)

Exactly the point some of us realise. BM 'is' nice but it is 'not' prerequisite for good texturing.
notAFanB said:
PC-Engine said:
SA2 had beautiful textures so it didn't matter if it was using bumpmapping or not ;)

Exactly the point some of us realise. BM 'is' nice but it is 'not' prerequisite for good texturing.

Read CaptainHowdy's post...and you might have a clue.