PREY for 360 - developer's don't have a kit


just saw the following on VE3d, makes ya wonder if it won't be another Quake IV fiasco all over again, here's what 3d Realms Scott MILLER had to say about the development:

Many people have asked me to comment about the next-gen consoles, and frankly I have nothing enlightened to say. I've yet to touch the controller of any of them. I can't find a X360 to buy in stores, and we have yet to get a development machine sent from Microsoft even though Prey is being developed for their system.

I have a 260, and love it, and quite frankly want to see it overtake the PS3, but doesnt it seem like MS keeps dropping the ball?
conan60 said:
I have a 260, and love it, and quite frankly want to see it overtake the PS3, but doesnt it seem like MS keeps dropping the ball?

Is the 260 the Xbox 1.5 everyone was talking about? ;)

Seriously, why would you want to see it overtake the PS3, if not for silly company partisanism? Would you enjoy the games more if you knew that X360 "overtook" the PS3? Would you enjoy them less if it didn't?

Why did you buy the thing? So you could stand in front of it and feel proud that it "overtook PS3" or to just play the bloody games?

Personally all i'm thinking about is what games i'll play on PS3. My favourite games this generation were Sony's first party ones, and i'm not attracted to the Xbox library, so the only reason i haven't bought a X360 and i'm buying a PS3 is because of that. Plus the Bluray movie playback is a big bonus too for me. I will not buy the PS3 "because it's Sony". That's just a name.

Who cares if PS3 "wins" the generation? Who cares which one is more powerful? Who cares how much money each company loses on the console? I'll still be playing my favourite games on the console i choose.
Everything else, all this "i hope X360 wins!" or "PS3 will crush MS and Nintendo to hell and back!" is just useless to me and makes me cringe when i see it on here.
conan60 said:
I have a 260, and love it, and quite frankly want to see it overtake the PS3

Isn't it stupid you think to care THAT much about a lump of cream-white plastic? I got a "260" too (;)), and I just wanna play some cool fuckin games on it, I don't want it to overtake nuttin, coz MS has overtaken too much already on this planet.
Guden Oden said:

Isn't it stupid you think to care THAT much about a lump of cream-white plastic? I got a "260" too (;)), and I just wanna play some cool fuckin games on it, I don't want it to overtake nuttin, coz MS has overtaken too much already on this planet.

You're LATE!
As usual! ;)
MS overtaking something is bad for the industry. At least Apple and Sony can hold their own against MS. I for one have no brand loyalty. I follow the games, Sony just has too many good games coming for them.

That blog was boring. Am I the oly one who doesn't see the point of it? The only one that vaguely interests me is hideo kojima's. Unfortunatly the english support sucks... and now that hideochan is up and running...

Why haven't these devs got dev kits? I thought they were distributed a while ago. Are the supply problems that deep?
Prey is 3D-Realms property which they commissioned Human Head to work on for them, in the same way Id hired Raven to work on Q4.
Guden Oden said:

Isn't it stupid you think to care THAT much about a lump of cream-white plastic? I got a "260" too (;)), and I just wanna play some cool fuckin games on it, I don't want it to overtake nuttin, coz MS has overtaken too much already on this planet.

i'm affraid you'll have to turn elsewhere for the fuckin ; )

otherwise i can only second your answer to the op
Guden Oden said:
Isn't it stupid you think to care THAT much about a lump of cream-white plastic?
Mmmm. Cream-filled white plastic. The Twinkie 360 is yummy.