Vince said:Dual GPUs? Perhaps your right, I just find the multichip paradigm too hard to swallow. Especially after MS's current problem with manufacturing cost.
Infact, David Hufford from Microsoft just stated in an interview (the same one where he said that as of now VALVe has backing away from their XBox/HL2 committment and the game isn't comming to Xbox) that they're still loosing money on each XBox sold - which is odd following the Nintendo/Sony trend after almost 2 years since launch.
Going with off-the-shelf parts / contracts has its advantages (time to market namely), but its a bitch to lower costs, especially when your volume isnt high enough.
I'm sure MS has 'learned' from this generation, but I still think they'll do the off the shelf route for XB2. I figure that if they are in this for the 'long haul', next gen will be another round of hardware bleeding, but they'll get their shit together for Act 3 and do it all in house, with a ~5 year R&D cycle to boot. There's just no way that MS can come up with something competitive, in house, in like 2 years to counter Sony/IBM's PS3 investment.