Post yer Halloween Pumpkins here


Drunk Member
It's not really a tradition here in Finland, but we decided to give it a shot with my GF, first time for both of us :cool:


And here's us 2 without the cap on the pumpkin :p
And here's us 2 without the cap on the pumpkin :p

The one at the bottom looks warming

The one in the middle looks warming and lovely

The one at the top is fecking hideous, it must have been grown in manure and the slime from the pits of hell. I feel queezy just looking it. The carving is so grotesque.

Seriously though nice idea, we grew some this year but they are the size of grapefruit so ours will be pigmy heads....
Kaotiks good idea got me up fired up to get the camera out

Here's my daughters


You'd expect a doting father to think it was great, sadly I think it's rather shite. Ok she's only 5, but c'mon ! Good job I do not pay her to go to private school. She did grow it herself though.

Here's dads. I'm calling it Gabe, for no reason whatsover

It was too warm this year and we carved 'em too early, I threw ours out last week 'cause they started to rot. :???:

Here's my two pumpkins for this year:

Had fun too last night too, kicking some kids' asses who were roaming the neighborhood thinking it funny to toiletpaper people's property for no apparent reason (they didn't even bother to ask for candy first) Hällo Wien my ass, free rat poison and razor blades for everyone if I had it my way. As if piles of Christmas stuff in stores by mid-September weren't enough, no they have to swamp Europe with this bullshittiest of all Hallway consumerist POS American poop crap. No seriously :D
Had fun too last night too, kicking some kids' asses who were roaming the neighborhood thinking it funny to toiletpaper people's property for no apparent reason (they didn't even bother to ask for candy first) Hällo Wien my ass, free rat poison and razor blades for everyone if I had it my way. As if piles of Christmas stuff in stores by mid-September weren't enough, no they have to swamp Europe with this bullshittiest of all Hallway consumerist POS American poop crap. No seriously :D

Though the "all hallows eve" itself is european by origin, if i'm not mistaken :p
Couldnt do it this year myself, she had to have her vaccination shots and she wasn't feeling up to going out. :(
I'm sorry to hear that. That's how my last 5 Halloweens have been, me alone with the kids, and it's really hard to enjoy it that way.

This year was great because my wife actually got to go out with the kids. As soon as they left the house they ran into some friends and joined up with 'em and went out as a group, and I think they met a couple of dozen friends cruising around. :)

I stayed home for once and handed out candy. One dog escaped once, but the kids helped me round her up quickly. We gave out full-sized Hershey bars and are now GODS among the local kids. :LOL: (They were on sale cheap at CVS so my wife just picked up a few boxes of 'em)

All in all a most excellent Halloween. :)
Though the "all hallows eve" itself is european by origin, if i'm not mistaken :p

Yup, it's originally Irish. I don't know about other European countries, presumably it's about the same as in Sweden, we have an all hallow's eve holiday, even though it's not celebrated particularly similarly to the american tradition.