Post interesting facts about yourself....


B3D Yoddha
1. I don't have a girl friend, never had one.
2. I 've never been on a plane, never been inside an airport.
3. It has only been 3-4 times that I went out of New Delhi. Outside country is out of question.
4. I don't have an internet connection at home.
5. I 've visited cinema only 4-5 times in my life, last one was 7 years ago.
6. I am an introvert.

1. There are currently about 4 women trying to get with me, but they're either damaged goods or fugly. Well... one isn't and I'm on a date with her tonight ^^. I've had 2 major gf's

2. I think i've been abroad something like 15 to 17 times. Including 5 trips to the USA, the rest is mostly Europe.

3. I regularly see other parts of britain, I'm in london with work a few times a year, and certinaly down south, or birmingham etc.

4. My 1MB DSL is getting upgraded to a 2MB DSL at home...

5. I used to go to the cinema a lot, but who needs it when you have the internet...

6. I'm an extrovert

7. l-b is jelous of my weaponry...

8. I think Deepak needs to get out more!!!!!!
Deepak said:
1. I don't have a girl friend, never had one.
1-Same boat here. I never had a girlfriend, until i married my wife.
2-A few hours ago i broke a bone in my body for the first time. Well i think i broke it, will find out in the morning when i go to the doctors. hehe, pinky toe, stubbed it on a chair and now it points about 50 degrees from where it should point. :(
3-My wife and I have been living in different continents for the last 2 years or so.
4-Never drank, or smoked, or ate meat.
5-Im not a religious person, but want to be.
6-I fear im slowly turning liberal.

I might add more later.
1. I love Donald Henry Rumsfeld porn

2. As of late I've been hitting on Dave Baumann

3. I'm making meaningful posts over at the SharpDevelop forums
1. I'm 30

2. I just ended a 2-year relationship 'cause it wasn't going anywhere. It still hurts, though - we really love each other, but it didn't work...

3. I had many short relationships and only 2 which were longer than a few weeks (3 yrs. and 2 yrs)

4. I've been playing guitar since I was 10

5. I'm into extreme music

6. I read a lot of sci-fi

7. I drink & smoke

8. I have a phantastic job

9. I need a new gfx card, since my GFFX5900 is too slow


10. I don't believe in anything supernatural, be it god or poltergeist or whatever
1. Never had a girlfriend, but my boyfriend is my 2nd.
2. I've been on a plane three times (six if you count the trips back, or 12 times if you count the change of planes during the trips, or infinite times if you count the fact that when I was on a plane, I was there constantly for hours and that means I have been in a plane 60 times per minute per hour, or infinite times per unmeasurable fraction per second).
3. I moved to the town I now live about 8 years ago, before that I'd been living in my hometown (not counting times when I was in the army, or studying). I've been abroad 8 times (four of them in neighbouring countries, I wouldn't quite call them abroad though)
4. I've had Internet connection for about seven years now at home. I started with 56Kbs modem, then 64 ISDN, 128 ISDN, 512 ADSL which was first updated to 1MBps and now 2 MBps ADSL.
5. I used to go to cinema often, but now I find viewing dvd's on my 52" TV easier. I only go to cinema to see the major releases (last was LOTR:ROTK)
6. I'm introvert and very shy. I've found I enjoy most things more when I do them with myself.
7. No-one should be jealous of my weaponry, as it's very standard.
8. I'm standard and average in most cases.
9. I didn't eat meat, drank or smoked for about five years when I was in my mid 20's, now I do them all in average amounts.
10. I don't believe in gods, afterlife, destiny etc..
11. I've filled my hd with pcrn but I watch some of them only about once a month. Gotta get'em all.
12. None of these facts were interesting because I'm not an interesting person.
Since everyone alsready knows everythign about me, i'll just limit myself at commenting on what some of you have posted so far. And i will keep doing so. And i'm in a bitchy mood so take it as u wish.

Deepak said:
1. I don't have a girl friend, never had one.

Something you want to tell us?

Deepak said:

Didn't you say "something interesting about ourselves"? :devilish:

Rupert said:
7. l-b is jelous of my weaponry...

Errrmmmm... That's one way to put it... Remember, u're the straight guy who started talking about the size of his manhood to a gay guy, without the latter ever having to ask........ :devilish:

epic said:
1-Same boat here. I never had a girlfriend, until i married my wife.

Poor poor woman... I feel for her.

epic said:
3-My wife and I have been living in different continents for the last 2 years or so.

Oh... :oops: That explains many things...

Graham said:
I've never drank or smoked meat either!!

Why drink or smoke meat when you can do so much more with it?

xxx said:
1. I'm 30


xxx said:
9. I need a new gfx card, since my GFFX5900 is too slow
Oh so i wasn't the only one!!! PHEW...

rabid said:
2. I've been on a plane three times (six if you count the trips back, or 12 times if you count the change of planes during the trips, or infinite times if you count the fact that when I was on a plane, I was there constantly for hours and that means I have been in a plane 60 times per minute per hour, or infinite times per unmeasurable fraction per second).

As a gay man to a gay man, you're a disgrace to our kind. Even I would find it difficult to get THAT dorky. And i'm weird enough.

rabid said:
I've found I enjoy most things more when I do them with myself
Ok, so you like playing with yourself better than playing with other people?

rabid said:
7. No-one should be jealous of my weaponry, as it's very standard.
8. I'm standard and average in most cases.
No one's average. Everyone's unique.

rabid said:
12. None of these facts were interesting because I'm not an interesting person.
No one's interesting to oneself. Usually.

Oh, promise, those 2 were the last 2 serious-y thing i will post in a long time.
london-boy said:
Errrmmmm... That's one way to put it... Remember, u're the straight guy who started talking about the size of his manhood to a gay guy, without the latter ever having to ask........ :devilish:

I'm chatty, and get bored, and only rescently been asked to measure by a female "friend" who was impressed... n stuff :oops:
sytaylor said:
london-boy said:
Errrmmmm... That's one way to put it... Remember, u're the straight guy who started talking about the size of his manhood to a gay guy, without the latter ever having to ask........ :devilish:

I'm chatty, and get bored, and only rescently been asked to measure by a female "friend" who was impressed... n stuff :oops:

Result being? :devilish:
1. I maried.
2. i'v been in a lots of countrys but always in europe
3. i'm looking forward to visit the american continent but since my wife
hates america, that may take while i get over there
4. i'm sufing 50% of my workingtime
5. i love buying and selling stuff. my new hobby, selling PSP's :)
6. I am an extravert.
7. my child is the most beatifull in the world
8. i'm straight.
9. i visited to many gaybars for unknonw reasons
10. i had a lot of various relations . married woman, pregnant women, young woman, old woman... actually, i liked to DO woman no matter
her sitation (I don't mean ugly woman :p )
11. i'm Muslim
12. did I say i spend too much time on the internet?
13. In need of new friends, since my marriage a lot of people dropped of my list...
14. i'm happy
15. I had to shave every other day from the age of 15 I always looked older then i was when i was between my 13-20
16. I'm 29
17. Even i'm married my eyes can't stop loooking to all those woman around me all the time. i have to much testosteron i htink
Born in Pakistan, but hasn't been there since I was 1.5 yo. (My parents was missionaries there.)

Non-religous, but wouldn't mind beeing christian. I liked the people and feeling about it when I was christian. The only problem was that I realized that I didn't believe in it.

I frequent the nearby gym. But never go to the "gym" part of it, (ie the part with lots of torture machines and free weights). Instead, I go to the spinning/aerobics/step-up/body-pump/"järn-puls" classes.
("Järn-puls" is like aerobics classes, but with easier coordination and tougher physics, including free weights.) 2-3 times a week is the base, but can sometimes be up to 5 times, and some days I'll take a few classes in a row.

I realy like dancing Salsa, and a version of it called Rueda de Casino (which could be described as a Salsa version of square dance).

I've never owned a modem. I've had a direct 10Mbps ethernet connection at home since 1996 or so :D, and used the net at Uni until then.

I don't smoke, and drink rarely and moderately (usually, but there have been occations with a bit more drinking).

I haven't watched TV for a couple of years. (Except some rare occations when I've visited my brother or parents, and they were watching.)

I have seen LOTR (3 DVDs) non-stop, sitting in front of my computer. Only break was between DVD 2 and 3 to fetch a pillow to support my back (that started to ache a bit).

Just for _xxx_:
How old are you?
But the short version is: I'm 35
london-boy said:
sytaylor said:
london-boy said:
Errrmmmm... That's one way to put it... Remember, u're the straight guy who started talking about the size of his manhood to a gay guy, without the latter ever having to ask........ :devilish:

I'm chatty, and get bored, and only rescently been asked to measure by a female "friend" who was impressed... n stuff :oops:

Result being? :devilish:

The answer you know... Since she lives pretty far away she wanted photo evidence as well... which I duly gave.