Porn, xxx and High Definition

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I really dont believe the porn industry will decide the winner between BR and HD, because it is very different from the Betamax/VHS situation. I will here give reasons as to why the porn industry will have little effect on the winner.

AFAIK: They sided with VHS and since there were no other alternative people picked VHS. Now, if you want porn you can stick with your old DVD player. You dont have to buy a HD medium just to see porn. You dont have to shell out lots of cash and on top of that buy a new TV-set (and probably new amplifiers since the sound is encrypted, right?).

Besides there are other issues as well, today the porn industry is bigger than ever, with more diversity. A few years ago (2003, though it is hard to generalise), and probably now too, movies were released on VHS before they were released on DVD (the point is there are porn in VHS format). That is one "proof" that porn customers arent on the bleeding edge of technology.

VHS and the Internet offered something drasticly new, BR/HD dont offer that.

All of those customers wont change format quickly. This isnt a huge userbase just waiting for a flip of a switch and with such a diversity who knows which format will be supported, maybe both by some companies and some will wait?

Now with more companies there a lot of movies being made, the bulk of these movies are cheap movies. The exception are those that make feature movies. They spend a lot of money on their movies and a lot of time in post production. There are even fewer movies that use the interactive features. Therefore I believe that the porn companies that will first move to HD/BR is those that do feature movies (there already are HD movies in WM-HD format), while the majority of the porn industry wont invest in HD-gear (cameras etc) at first, when they dont even get directores and camera men with previous knowledge of how to use a camera.

With all of these stated reasons I dont think they will have a huge impact.

Oh, one more thing, (something along these lines were stated) one CEO or some such important guy said while they started filming in HD, they are waiting to release the movies in HD or would re-release them on a HD medium later on. what they were doing now was releasing them in WM-HD format. I believe it was the CEO of Private who said this.
The porn industry doesn't want HD. Every bit of acne, misplaced bit of cellulite, errant wrinkle, scar, dry skin, spider vein, et al will be visible in all their gory goodness.

If anything, the porn industry is going to run screaming from HD. Hell, tv shows too, at least initially. Makeup artists are going to have to learn new techniques. With low res tv, they can smear on the gunk in garish ways and it'll look good. I saw an early HD news broadcast on a TV set a few years ago in a store display.

Holy jeebus! Talk about horrific! :oops: :LOL:
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Natoma said:
The porn industry doesn't want HD. Every bit of acne, misplaced bit of cellulite, errant wrinkle, scar, dry skin, spider vein, et al will be visible in all their gory goodness.

If anything, the porn industry is going to run screaming from HD. Hell, tv shows too, at least initially. Makeup artists are going to have to learn new techniques. With low res tv, they can smear on the gunk in garish ways and it'll look good. I saw an early HD news broadcast on a TV set a few years ago in a store display.

Holy jeebus! Talk about horrific! :oops: :LOL:

agreed!:LOL: in a nightclub or bar... even real life isnt HD!
blakjedi said:
agreed!:LOL: in a nightclub or bar... even real life isnt HD!

Beer Goggles is to current def TV as Next Morning "What the f*ck did I sleep with??!!" Horror is to HD. ;)
Natoma said:
The porn industry doesn't want HD. Every bit of acne, misplaced bit of cellulite, errant wrinkle, scar, dry skin, spider vein, et al will be visible in all their gory goodness.

Holy jeebus! Talk about horrific! :oops: :LOL:

Actually that is what some high up on Swedish national TV stated about HDTV after seeing himself on HDTV. That is what a lot of women say when I take pics of them with a +6mpx digicam and show it to them in 1:1, focusing on the details. But mostly it turns out allright.

Companies that spend money on their movies also has professional make up artists, so I guess that supports what I said.

Funny comments btw :)
Mmm not to spoil the party, and although i could give lectures on Porn due to my outstanding experience in the field, but what exactly does this have to do with consoles?!

This thread would be MUCH more fun in the General Forum, where everyone can say whatever they want.

Here it will be a usual BluRay iz teh doom3d VS HDDVDVVDHDVHDVDD (you pronounce that aitchdeedeeveedeeveeveedeeaitchdeeveeaitchdeeveedeedee) iz infeerioh kind of thread.
london-boy said:
Mmm not to spoil the party, and although i could give lectures on Porn due to my outstanding experience in the field, but what exactly does this have to do with consoles?!

This thread would be MUCH more fun in the General Forum, where everyone can say whatever they want.

Because I was going to post it in the "that about wraps it up"-thread, but figured it was a bit too off topic. Since when does driver support on PC have to do with consoles? Figured it was the same thing. As to whether it actually is suited here or not, you are probably a better judge of that then I, but I figured Id leave that decision to the admins. :)
one thing poeple need to keep in mind is, HD cam corders are just comming down to consumer level prices as we speak.
I think I can see her pores....

Ewwww...the last thing I need to see is some aspiring porn director that just got his hands on a HD Cam and picked up the most sleazy trashy girls he can find. Its going to be fun counting off how many zits the girl has

Point is, porn will definately not decide what will win between Bluray or HDDVD.
If anything, porn is involved with this because people will be saving their still-low-res porn on writeable BDROMS and HDDVDs, and pack them with the porn they have so it's all on one disc.
But that will then become a matter of what writeable format will win, nothing to do with hollywood movies and all that.
There is no need for HD porn, as even DVD porn these days is not on par with full DVD resolution, except a few cases.

Next gen formats will be able to pack in one disc many porn videos at standard resolution, but no porn publisher will want to do that, they rather sell each video on a different DVD to maximise their profits.

That's my opinion anyway.
valioso said:
There are already porn movies being released as "recorded in HD"

Like there are porn DVDs apparently with 5.1 DD sound (as if it's really a 6 channel sound...)

Now we're gonna hear that porn is what decided what won between DD and DTS? :LOL:
seismologist said:
porn hasn't even made the jump to DVD quality yet.
Most of the porn I've seen is VHS quality video burned on a DVD.

stop watching hairy 80's porn dude! whats up with your tast for porn?? :D

cant wait for 1080P porn on Bleu or whatever ray disc
hey69 said:
to bad there where no cameras in the middleages...

Ha! You just gave me the thirst to find some middleages roleplaying porn!

Middleages Roleplaying Porn - Man said:
You shan't leave my domicile! I will commence sex with you!

Middleages Roleplaying Porn - Women said:
No!, you shan't not. I will one day wed and have sexual communians with a man! but until then....never!

Middleages Roleplaying Porn - Man said:
Then let us wed and bask that is the glory of anal!

Middleages Roleplaying Porn - Women said:
I love you!

Middleages Roleplaying Porn - Man said:
I love you to!

Funny thing is. All that is forgetable crap. I just bounce to exactly 2:00 minutes into the film.....

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