Please help! Trying to decide on a SILENT graphic card.

Thank you guys so much for your help! I've made up my mind and I'll go for it. It really does look like a great buy for so little money. Might as well spend a little extra to try and last a little longer than become useless a little sooner. Thanks again for all your help!
I'm interested in passively cooled cards, so I can't get the 1900. That is a very sweet price, though.
Definitely only passive cooling, or is 'near silent' good enough? The Arctic Cooling Accelero X2 fits the latter category and is dirt cheap. Thus an option could be to get a cheap X19x0 series card (perhaps a refurb) and an aftermarket cooler. Often more bang per dB than with preinstalled silent cooling.
After hearing about the shall we say "mixed" reviews concerning Vista and the lack of new games, I am going to ride my AGP/XP Pro rig for awhile longer.

I am considering a x1950 Pro 512 or waiting for Nvidia to release their own AGP card in the next month or two. I currently have a x800 XT PE. Do you guys think the upgrade to either a x1950 pro 512 or waiting for Nvidia's AGP card is worth it?

I am having trouble comparing an x800 XT PE vs x1950 Pro 512 and can't tell what the performance boost would be.

Any help would be appreciated.