Physics a threat?

It is not understood that the cessation of "EM" communications to occur, a cessation that is detected by special means referred to in the orion.htm link is a normal function of the fulfillment of the "time-space anomaly" which is actually the nature of reality itself that is incrementally coming to copenetrate this particular planet. At that time, there will be no time. There will be no "electro-magnetic" [there is no such thing as "electromagnetism"] transmissions after 2005 and, after 2013, at the next (third) appearance of the Christos, there will be no tempero-spatial qualities as we "know" them (Each human of this instance of human creation on this planet is a "time packet" the quality of time as we know it depends on this fact. When there are 6,660,000,000 humans alive simultaneously, humanity will be in a "standing wave" status, at which time human will is to be superordinate to the next and contexting dimension, the 8th, in the paradigm proffered here, that dimension being the biosphere, the "Z" of the xyz curvatures coming out of the nameless context of the Prime Mover. Remember, the entire galaxy is one of the expressions of the nature of the universe, not of itself; and it is an error to think in terms of what are mere orders of magnitude, i.e., moon, planet, sun, galaxy. Galaxies articulate, locally, the curvatures of (the space around) a universe and are singularities in themselves, or a dimension entire when considered from within one). Hence, one cannot know the day nor the hour of the coming, " ... and every eye shall see Him", even on all points of the globe simultaneously. This is just fabulous! (Owing to the times at different places on the planet and the date changes, it is impossible to state the day and the hour.) Until the so-called Philadelphia Experiment, there was no fixed time as such for the reassertion of the collective identity of humans on this planet, i.e., the reappearance of Adam evolved through myriad stupidities and poised to resorb, Humpty Dumpty-like, the parts into which He is shattered, ourselves each, as Kabbala details with its nomenclature. Historical Humpty Dumpties have been: Commies, Nazis, Napoleon, Catholicism, Emperial Rome, Babylon, and now USA (the beast with little horns, meaning it is young. The violation of the fourth commandment is the worship on Sunday, which will be a feature of NWO and it will be enforced with death.)
What the...? :oops: :?: :oops: :?: Christ my brain hurts just from trying to read it, let alone make any sense...

Ah! AHHHHH!!!! I've seen the light!!! I do understand now!!! The answer is simple: it's asdiofhoiqhwekjn nkj akjhfoiew f...

Bugger. My brain couldn't translate it all. Arse.
Neeyik said:
What the...? :oops: :?: :oops: :?: Christ my brain hurts just from trying to read it, let alone make any sense...

Ah! AHHHHH!!!! I've seen the light!!! I do understand now!!! The answer is simple: it's asdiofhoiqhwekjn nkj akjhfoiew f...

Bugger. My brain couldn't translate it all. Arse.

oh I can make perfect sens of it... but it has no continuity, slipping from one thing to another without any real direction. if it was split into paragraphs that properly introduced, tie'd in, and closed the individual concepts then it would be much easier to understand. it sounds to me like the person who wrote it was bi-polar and in their manic phase (which is something I have personal experience with...). I also think that whoever wrote it posseses quite a high amplitude of intelligence although they are also a little "off the deep end"