Here's the story:
Well, I suppose if there is an appropriate place for this story then [H] is absolutely it...
I thought these comments in Kyle's Phantom preview conclusion were certainly interesting:
I particularly thought this sentence was amusing in the extreme: As we have shown to you here, the Phantom never was cutting edge gaming technology, at least not from a hardware standpoint, and from what I can tell, it never will be. That said, if they can get their game streaming and downloading technology working, they will actually have something to sell.
Note how there no longer is any question from [H] as to whether or not the Phantom is real; no question at [H] any more that it's a con or a scam--a literal Phantom of the NoShow Opera, but rather, it appears [H] now wants to revise all its past statements about the company to mean simply that: the Phantom never was cutting edge gaming technology. Wow, what a switcheroo...Heh...
Kyle further expands his salute to the solidity of the Phantom by adding: if they can get their game streaming and downloading technology working, they will actually have something to sell. Wow, what an earth-shattering revelation! But isn't that exactly what IL has been saying since Day One? Hasn't IL always been saying, in effect, "When we get everything ready we will ship our product?" Yes, Kyle can be exceedingly slow on the uptake, but at least he eventually gets there...
But back to his "it's not cutting edge gaming technology" observation. I have only three points to make about that observation:
*Compared to the xBox currently shipping it looks "cutting edge" to me, at least in terms of its gpu and cpu, if nothing else. (Kyle's never opened up a current xBox, I suppose, and probably just doesn't know how dated its hardware is.)
*From what I've read, IL plans to either sell these things very, very cheaply or else *give them away* as a part a bundle with a subscription to its gaming service, so I'm wondering just what Kyle expected--an A64 with a gig of ram sporting an x800PE with a Sound Blaster Audigy 2, maybe? (Of course, he knows better.)
*From what I recall, since the first time I read a blurb from IL a couple of years ago carried on some site somewhere, the plan was always to use off-the-shelf PC component technology for the console. That looks to be exactly what they did. One wonders why this might have suprised Kyle in any way whatsoever.
Now, I wonder what this will do for the "" web site? At the least, I imagine, it will need to change its name to "A-Phantom-is-now-at[H].com", surely...
I'll conclude with this final quote from Kyle's conclusion: We stand behind our content 100%, no matter how many lawsuits Infinium Labs files against us for telling the truth about them and their products.
Which content is that, Kyle? The content alleging the Phantom is a con and a sham foisted by crooks, or the more recent content simply alleging that the Phantom, while actually solid, just isn't "cutting edge hardware for gamers"?
I have a conclusion of my own, which is that apparently Kyle Bennett of [H] believes that the only citizen in the US for whom the Constitutional right of free speech applies, the only citizen to deserve that precious right paid for by blood sacrifice, is Kyle Bennett. He certainly seems unable to extend that right to people like me who merely post our opinions in forums, or companies like IL who are merely trying to take a product from scratch conception to market. So therefore I think I have finally figured out what [H] stands for, and that is, [H]ypocrisy...
Well, I suppose if there is an appropriate place for this story then [H] is absolutely it...
I thought these comments in Kyle's Phantom preview conclusion were certainly interesting:
Kyle Bennett @ [H said:]
As we have shown to you here, the Phantom never was cutting edge gaming technology, at least not from a hardware standpoint, and from what I can tell, it never will be. That said, if they can get their game streaming and downloading technology working, they will actually have something to sell. Who is still buying? I don't know. I personally want my game on my CDRom or DVD where I can do with it what I want at any time. Thinking of paying $50 for a game on a Phantom console then not being able to load it on my laptop for a trip bothers me some.
All that said, I think there is a market for a product such as the Phantom but they need to be looking at the pre-teen market for sure and focusing on educational and entertainment content that can be easily controlled by parents. PC gamers want to be able to upgrade hardware and move their content easily and neither of those issues is addressed on a Phantom console.
If the Phantom makes it big in the market you can count on it being reported here along with a big helping of marinated crow. If you are thinking all of this sounds great and are interested in the CEO that controls Infinium Labs, we highly suggest you read our Behind the Infinium Phantom Console article from last year.
We stand behind our content 100%, no matter how many lawsuits Infinium Labs files against us for telling the truth about them and their products.
I particularly thought this sentence was amusing in the extreme: As we have shown to you here, the Phantom never was cutting edge gaming technology, at least not from a hardware standpoint, and from what I can tell, it never will be. That said, if they can get their game streaming and downloading technology working, they will actually have something to sell.
Note how there no longer is any question from [H] as to whether or not the Phantom is real; no question at [H] any more that it's a con or a scam--a literal Phantom of the NoShow Opera, but rather, it appears [H] now wants to revise all its past statements about the company to mean simply that: the Phantom never was cutting edge gaming technology. Wow, what a switcheroo...Heh...
Kyle further expands his salute to the solidity of the Phantom by adding: if they can get their game streaming and downloading technology working, they will actually have something to sell. Wow, what an earth-shattering revelation! But isn't that exactly what IL has been saying since Day One? Hasn't IL always been saying, in effect, "When we get everything ready we will ship our product?" Yes, Kyle can be exceedingly slow on the uptake, but at least he eventually gets there...
But back to his "it's not cutting edge gaming technology" observation. I have only three points to make about that observation:
*Compared to the xBox currently shipping it looks "cutting edge" to me, at least in terms of its gpu and cpu, if nothing else. (Kyle's never opened up a current xBox, I suppose, and probably just doesn't know how dated its hardware is.)
*From what I've read, IL plans to either sell these things very, very cheaply or else *give them away* as a part a bundle with a subscription to its gaming service, so I'm wondering just what Kyle expected--an A64 with a gig of ram sporting an x800PE with a Sound Blaster Audigy 2, maybe? (Of course, he knows better.)
*From what I recall, since the first time I read a blurb from IL a couple of years ago carried on some site somewhere, the plan was always to use off-the-shelf PC component technology for the console. That looks to be exactly what they did. One wonders why this might have suprised Kyle in any way whatsoever.
Now, I wonder what this will do for the "" web site? At the least, I imagine, it will need to change its name to "A-Phantom-is-now-at[H].com", surely...
I'll conclude with this final quote from Kyle's conclusion: We stand behind our content 100%, no matter how many lawsuits Infinium Labs files against us for telling the truth about them and their products.
Which content is that, Kyle? The content alleging the Phantom is a con and a sham foisted by crooks, or the more recent content simply alleging that the Phantom, while actually solid, just isn't "cutting edge hardware for gamers"?
I have a conclusion of my own, which is that apparently Kyle Bennett of [H] believes that the only citizen in the US for whom the Constitutional right of free speech applies, the only citizen to deserve that precious right paid for by blood sacrifice, is Kyle Bennett. He certainly seems unable to extend that right to people like me who merely post our opinions in forums, or companies like IL who are merely trying to take a product from scratch conception to market. So therefore I think I have finally figured out what [H] stands for, and that is, [H]ypocrisy...