[PC] Grand Theft Auto IV

Now they just have to fix the memory leak(s) and maybe add some FSAA :)

16xCSAA would be awesome.
And with that you get some low framerates in Warhead at points too, eh?

As for pop-in try turning your settings down a bit to lower VRAM usage, I can turn my settings up to cause such problems, but keep them down just enough to avoid them.

will try that as soon as i get time :) ! And yes Warhead framerate does drop sometimes but just looking at the beauty of Warhead doesn't make me mind at all. Also, I can turn-off the AA to get my framerates back(but I don;t need to as it always playable), but lemme have the option to have a smooth quality in GTA Rockstar ! I hope a patch brings in AA:rolleyes: !
Maybe I should force AA from the Catalyst Centre.....
I hope a patch brings in AA:rolleyes: !
Maybe I should force AA from the Catalyst Centre.....

No luck there buddy. I tried every single option and it is a no go. This one has to come from R* themselves or ATI driver hack a la' oblivion style. :smile:
I hope this fixes the meory leak issues as well i.e. the game getting progressively slower over time. I'll wait to hear some reports before I install a beta driver though.
Drivers may have fixed the memory leaks, but now I get stuttering. :(
Doesn't GTA4's engine prevent AA from being used? Kinda like GRAW's Deferred rendering...
Doesn't GTA4's engine prevent AA from being used? Kinda like GRAW's Deferred rendering...

Nothing that inherently prohibits AA in combination with deferred rendering, GTA4 on X360 has 2x AA@720p, Killzone2 also has deferred rendering and has 4xAA.

In some engines, deferred rendering does not go well with AA, but this is engine specific.
I've been under the impression deferred rendering is inherently incompatible with MSAA under DX9. Is there any example to the contrary?
I've been under the impression deferred rendering is inherently incompatible with MSAA under DX9. Is there any example to the contrary?

Wasn't there users having AA in Stalker under WinXP/Vista (Stalker is DX9 only)?
There is indeed a way to get a form of AA via StretchRect().


Slide 42 onwards. It ends up being very costly with deferred lighting... Which I'm sure you might have found out when enabling AA in Stalker (IIRC).

Interesting read. About Stalker, I've never got AA to work though I do have new drivers now so maybe I should try it again. Not even before with the 8800GTX(s). But I didn't like to change drivers although that has changed with ATI drivers becouse I am forced to (lol)!
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Can't we have some form of edge AA with deferred rendering? Even that would help in GTA4.
I just crossed my mind that ATI 4xxx should have a shader based AA mode. Could this work in some way or if modified in drivers by ATI?
This sucks. I've got my new videocard and GTA4 runs like a dream, but I've lost all desire to play it. Did some story missions, was having great fun, screwed around for a while doing cop chases and stuff but it's just worn out so quickly. I look at the GTA4 folder in my games dir and simply cannot be stuffed. However I've installed some old classics like Freespace 2 and I'm having a blast there.

Must be going through one of those gaming slumps. Seems to happen whenever I get new hardware... I'm so amped up at the thought of finally being able to play all these games at great settings but when I do, they lose some charm. What the shit is that all about. Ahh sigh. Will get around to it again eventually, always do.