Was this supposed to be serious?
I mean, damn, everything is obviously wrong, beside the 8 pipelines... And even that is questionable, IMO...
My guess ( and this really is just a guess ) is that nVidia is taking another direction. Probably not an hybrid PS/VS architecture, but you're gonna get a change for sure. Probably a TBDR, with a few nifty additions.
I know I'm gonna look insane saying this, but nVidia seems to use the number "4" for whatever it a profound change in their thinking.
NV34 = GeForce FX 5200 ( Exactly the contrary of the GeForce 4 MX: high-end features at the low-end. It's a big difference for nVidia )
NV40 = ?
Okay, so it's a small pattern, of course. And it's hardcore speculation. But... But...
See what you people make me do! If you gave me real NV40 info, I wouldn't have to do that! But now I've got to! So gimme! Gimme!
Yes, yes, I'm lame