Optical drives are set in PIO mode for no reason with ASUS P5W DH Deluxe


The last days I noticed that Nero was burning too slow on my pc, and the buffer level was flactuating a lot.
I examined the issue and I saw that in device manager under IDE/ATAPI controllers both optical drives were under PIO mode though I had enabled the option "DMA if available"
In the bios as well everything is in auto mode as far as concerns the optical drives as it should be.
I tried numerous things , like putting another IDE cable, put them in the Jmicron Controller and even a registry hack that resets the values that sometimes windows place in drives to keep them in PIO mode for weird reasons.

My drives were working just fine in my previous mobo and they support DMA of course.

What is happening here? I'm very pissed with ASUS and this mobo. Practically all my IDE devices don't work with this mobo, and that includes one of my IDE HDDs I had to remove.

Too many issues with this mobo.. :rolleyes:

Any ideas?
The last days I noticed that Nero was burning too slow on my pc, and the buffer level was flactuating a lot.
I examined the issue and I saw that in device manager under IDE/ATAPI controllers both optical drives were under PIO mode though I had enabled the option "DMA if available"
In the bios as well everything is in auto mode as far as concerns the optical drives as it should be.
I tried numerous things , like putting another IDE cable, put them in the Jmicron Controller and even a registry hack that resets the values that sometimes windows place in drives to keep them in PIO mode for weird reasons.

My drives were working just fine in my previous mobo and they support DMA of course.

What is happening here? I'm very pissed with ASUS and this mobo. Practically all my IDE devices don't work with this mobo, and that includes one of my IDE HDDs I had to remove.

Too many issues with this mobo.. :rolleyes:

Any ideas?

Have you tryed updating the IDE drivers?
Yeah, WinXP can have conniptions with a MB change. Forced PIO indicates CRC errors, that are probably phantom. If you've deleted the relevant reg entry, try setting the value to PIO & reboot. Then reset to DMA if available & see if it works. If this fails, delete the controller entry in device manager & allow a redetect, then switch optical drives to DMA. As suggested, grab the latest SATA/IDE drivers & BIOS for your board as well as the latest FW for your optical drive(s). Sometimes cables can be at fault, as well as some BIOS settings & master/slave order for ATAPI optical drives.

I'm very pissed with ASUS and this mobo. Practically all my IDE devices don't work with this mobo, and that includes one of my IDE HDDs I had to remove.
What are the symptoms? Are they detected on POST? Try the beta BIOSes from ASUS. The forums at xtremesystems.org may be useful.
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There are two ways of fixing your issue, i'll just say the first for now and if that doesn't work, you can go down the long boring path.

Quite simply, go to device manager and just delete the affected controllers. Restart, let Windows reinstall them (along with the corresponding registry keys) and you're good to go...they should be back to DMA now.

The other way of fixing it involves editing a couple of registry keys which can be tricky to find (really...most people find the registry easy to edit but this one's a doosey).

Have you tryed updating the IDE drivers?

Yes I have the latest chipset drivers installed

Yeah, WinXP can have conniptions with a MB change. Forced PIO indicates CRC errors, that are probably phantom. If you've deleted the relevant reg entry, try setting the value to PIO & reboot. Then reset to DMA if available & see if it works. If this fails, delete the controller entry in device manager & allow a redetect, then switch optical drives to DMA. As suggested, grab the latest SATA/IDE drivers & BIOS for your board as well as the latest FW for your optical drive(s). Sometimes cables can be at fault, as well as some BIOS settings & master/slave order for ATAPI optical drives.

I have tried all those except bios upgrade (I don't see how this can affect the DMA) but nothing has worked..

What are the symptoms? Are they detected on POST? Try the beta BIOSes from ASUS. The forums at xtremesystems.org may be useful.
They are recognized and shown in bios and device manager correctly with their product names/codes. It's a NEC ND-3520 AW and a OptiArc AD-5170A. Uninstalling the corresponding chanel for the drives and restarting brings them in DMA-2 as they should until I put a disc in them. Then system hangs for some secs and reverts both of them to PIO mode..

There are two ways of fixing your issue, i'll just say the first for now and if that doesn't work, you can go down the long boring path.

Quite simply, go to device manager and just delete the affected controllers. Restart, let Windows reinstall them (along with the corresponding registry keys) and you're good to go...they should be back to DMA now.

I have tried this as well but as I said it reverts back to PIO mode after I put a disc in them..

The other way of fixing it involves editing a couple of registry keys which can be tricky to find (really...most people find the registry easy to edit but this one's a doosey). ;)

I have tried this approach also manually or with a program that attemps to do it automatically, but your method of doing this would be welcome.. Maybe I'm doing something wrong
Dunno guys I'm desperate here.. Practically I've tried every single recommendation I could find..
I tried also different master / slave configurations, in case one of the drives needs to be necessarily master or slave.. All it remains is a format and reinstall of Windows..
Dunno any other ideas?
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It's been awhile, but I had a similar problem on my P5B Deluxe/Wifi.

1. Uninstall the Jmicron software - should be found in Add/Remove programs if you updated through Windows Update. If its not there, try to remove it from Device Manager under SCSI and RAID controllers.
2. Reboot and let XP install the generic drivers for the controller.

Or disable the Jmicron controller in the BIOS entirely.
It's been awhile, but I had a similar problem on my P5B Deluxe/Wifi.

1. Uninstall the Jmicron software - should be found in Add/Remove programs if you updated through Windows Update. If its not there, try to remove it from Device Manager under SCSI and RAID controllers.
2. Reboot and let XP install the generic drivers for the controller.

Or disable the Jmicron controller in the BIOS entirely.

Nope that didn't do the trick either..:devilish:
Does it really play a role anyway since I haven't installed the optical drives in this controller?
1. The drives might share an IRQ. Fix: set the BIOS to auto-assign IRQs (no PnP OS).
2. You have a virtual drive program or copy protection on your system that is fucking things up. Fix: use a better one/uninstall the copy protection.
3. You use hibernate often (unlikely to be the problem, from what you wrote). Fix: Google for the registry fix.
4. You have some incompatible drives set up as RAID or enabled them for RAID but didn't create the RAID volume. Fix: disable RAID in the BIOS and remove them from the 'allowed RAID devices list' in the BIOS, or add them to a RAID volume.
did you fix your problem
if not paste the following into notepad and save as resetdma.vbs (not resetdma.vbs.txt)

' Visual Basic Script program to reset the DMA status of all ATA drives

' Copyright © 2006 Hans-Georg Michna

' Version 2006-03-14

' Works in Windows XP, probably also in Windows 2000 and NT.
' Does no harm if Windows version is incompatible.

If MsgBox("This program will now reset the DMA status of all ATA drives with Windows drivers." _
& vbNewline & "Windows will redetect the status after the next reboot, therefore this procedure" _
& vbNewline & "should be harmless.", _
vbOkCancel, "Program start message") _
= vbOk Then

RegPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\"
ValueName1 = "MasterIdDataChecksum"
ValueName2 = "SlaveIdDataChecksum"
ValueName3 = "ResetErrorCountersOnSuccess"
MessageText = "The following ATA channels have been reset:"
MessageTextLen0 = Len(MessageText)
SubsequentMisses = 0
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

For i = 0 to 999
RegSubPath = Right("000" & i, 4) & "\"

' Master

On Error Resume Next
WshShell.RegRead RegPath & RegSubPath & ValueName1
e1 = Err.Number
On Error Goto 0
If e1 = 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
WshShell.RegDelete RegPath & RegSubPath & ValueName1
On Error Goto 0
MessageText = MessageText & vbNewLine & "Master"
End If

' Slave

On Error Resume Next
WshShell.RegRead RegPath & RegSubPath & ValueName2
e2 = Err.Number
On Error Goto 0
If e2 = 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
WshShell.RegDelete RegPath & RegSubPath & ValueName2
On Error Goto 0
If e1 = 0 Then
MessageText = MessageText & " and "
MessageText = MessageText & vbNewLine
End If
MessageText = MessageText & "Slave"
End If

If e1 = 0 Or e2 = 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
WshShell.RegWrite RegPath & RegSubPath & ValueName3, 1, "REG_DWORD"
On Error Goto 0
ChannelName = "unnamed channel " & Left(RegSubPath, 4)
On Error Resume Next
ChannelName = WshShell.RegRead(RegPath & RegSubPath & "DriverDesc")
On Error Goto 0
MessageText = MessageText & " of " & ChannelName & ";"
SubsequentMisses = 0
SubsequentMisses = SubsequentMisses + 1
If SubsequentMisses >= 32 Then Exit For ' Don't search unnecessarily long.
End If
Next ' i

If Len(MessageText) <= MessageTextLen0 Then
MessageText = "No resettable ATA channels with Windows drivers found. Nothing changed."
MessageText = MessageText & vbNewline _
& "Please reboot now to reset and redetect the DMA status."
End If

MsgBox MessageText, vbOkOnly, "Program finished normally"

End If ' MsgBox(...) = vbOk

' End of Visual Basic Script program
I had the same prob a couple days ago. Reinstalling drive and IDE-Controller dint fix it.
Deleting a key in the registry fixed it:

run regedt32

open the Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

You should see a couple subkeys, among them "0001" and "0002". They are for first and second IDE-Port. Open the right Key for your drive and then delete "MasterIdDataCheckSum" if your drive is configured as Master or "SlaveIdDataCheckSum" if its not. A reboot later it should work in DMA Mode.