OpenGL Geometry shaders: poor performance on NV GF9800 GT

I don't think GS is an Nvidia oriented approach to tessellation as they recommend developers perform minimal amplification with the GS.
So the only major geometry initiative that Nvidia has championed recently is Vertex Texturing and even that was awful on 1st gen products (has it improved?)... Why is Nvidia so against improving Geometry, I would think that now that they are the only major IHV without an x86 business that they would want to "cut the cord" a little more... I will admit that the Tessellation PPT they put out was actually more impressive than the "Old Man Face" video that AMD used to show off their tessellation...
I'm not sure why you think Nvidia championed Vertex Texturing or why it is against improving geometry.

Also, I think the "Old Man Face" demo was a Microsoft SDK app not a launch demo.
So VTF, regardless of how poorly implemented, appears to be nvidia's last push for something that affects geometry... Nvidia has been getting the word out early for DX11 features (including tessellation) so no matter how AMD centric things seem to have become Nvidia appears to be on board with it all... maybe they've been cowed into submission by Microsoft after struggling with Vista drivers (just a crazy conspiracy theory) ;) ...
I'd say the GS is the Microsoft approach. Hardware guys never really liked it.
Microsoft works very closely with the IHVs and I don't think they can add anything to DirectX that is not backed by at least two IHVs.

It's not like GS is a bad idea for things like rendering to cubemaps and doing things like point sprites in a unified way. It's just bad for large geometry amplification. But that was never the intent.
Microsoft works very closely with the IHVs and I don't think they can add anything to DirectX that is not backed by at least two IHVs.

It's not like GS is a bad idea for things like rendering to cubemaps and doing things like point sprites in a unified way. It's just bad for large geometry amplification. But that was never the intent.

I'm going to push my luck and say that when a former ATI employee says something is a MS approach that there may be some fire to go with the smoke. But if you has any ties to "another IHV" ;) we might have some confirmation one way or another...
I'm going to push my luck and say that when a former ATI employee says something is a MS approach that there may be some fire to go with the smoke. But if you has any ties to "another IHV" ;) we might have some confirmation one way or another...

yes, GS was part of the original D3D10 spec proposal.

the feature pipeline is:
game developers inform MS they want features x,y,z
Microsoft makes spec proposal to IHVs
Microsoft and IHVs negotiate what stays in/out of the spec
Spec gets ratified
Work commences
New OS platform with new D3D ships
New IHV hardware becomes available.

the goal of this process is a sw feature set that works independent of individual hw or hw implementation. features must be implementable by all IHVs. Microsoft owns the API, Microsoft drives the spec process.

the original IA and GS proposal actually went quite a bit further, but got trimmed down due to "hw guy" input from both ATI and NV.
Yikes! I hope most of those developers have a "reasonable" notion of what would be the most efficient hardware implementation of their intended result... :S ... Meh, I'm sure the IHV's veto a metric ton of suggestions...