Joe DeFuria
Panajev2001a said:time cannot judge my viewpoint as being wrong. Only possibly yours.
So basically you are the one who is surely right...
No, I can not be surely wrong. There's a difference. Vince can be surely wrong.
Uhm, you say that possibly time could proove Vince's wrong..
Right. Because Vince claims "Lithography is everything." So if a Console vendor goes for the most advnaced, most crammed chip possible, and that vendor fails, then surely, lithography is not everything.
and yet his point is in antitesis to yours so that if his point could hold true than your point would indeed be wrong.
No. My point is not the antihesis...although that is indeed what Vince is trying to portray it as. My point is NOT, "Lithography is nothing.". My point is "lithography is not everything.." There is a huge difference between the two.
My sub-point is that management of several key risks is everything. One of these risks is indeed target lithographic process. (Others are marketing / branding, middleware solutions / dev environments, market timing, target cost, business model, etc.)
So, if a console IHV goes with the most aggressive lithography and succeeds, this does not prove me wrong (nor does it prove Vince right.) That would support both of our points of view.