One final left to grajuwate :)


HEHE I only have one final left and I am free of my undergraduate woo! Sorry I was just excited and had to say something about it. I realize many of you are older and don't care. I also fully realize being a student is easy and that too many people think that real life will be easeri when in fact it is often harder, plus I am going to get a phD probably... but still I am done with something at least almost and I am happy about it :)...

Oh I had to use phonics to spell graduate in the great tradition of being lame in the subject...

P.S. B.S. in chemistry if anyone wonders

:LOL: I thought the initials were humorous sorry :)
You know I was damn tempted to post a thread like this last night as I just finished all my requirements for a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering...but I figured no one would really care that much so I didn't. Oh well... Congratulations to you too! :)

On the subject of the real world...people that say that piss me off. I think people tend to forget all their struggles in the past they encountered getting to where they are now. I have had more than a few recruiters say to me how I can't even begin to fathom what it is like out in the real world. I took 10 Engineering courses this year and 2 Business courses. Business ones were easy but the Engineering ones weren't...and it wasn't like I got to sit around eating bon-bons either. I pulled countless all-nighters, wrote massive reports, took a lot of tests, and built a lot of prototypes. Do I expect it to get any easier when I graduate in another week? No... Do I think that some people need to realize how much work students actually put in in some cases? Yes...

Anyways sorry to go off topic...but that is something that really bugs me and I just needed to get it out.
First of all...Congratulations to both. I'm one of these older guys, but I still remember walking out of my last exam and feeling the "relief!" ;)

It's not the "work" per se that is harder or easier in "the real world." So don't let anyone tell you that "real world work" is "harder". ;)

However....the consequences for failure are dramatically different in "the real world" vs. the other words, it's really the pressure that takes on a whole new meaning.

If you do poorly on a test or in a class...yeah, you get a bad might even have some ultimate impact on your marketability when you look for a job.

It's a bit different once you go "out on your own"...working to pay your own rent or mortgage...and especially if you are at least partially responsible for supporting a spouse and/or kids. All the sudden the prospect of "failing" takes on a whole new meaning. ;)

Don't let me dampen your spirits though....PARTY NAKED!! (For a few weeks, anyway...and don't post any pics! ;) )
Yeah I get to party all summer, if I can pick out a gradschool in may that is :) Otherwise I will spend my summer doing that and partying. I am married already as well so I kinda understand, I had to work, go to school, and get good grades to keep my scholarship so we had enough money, but my wife is already graduated and I think that economic releif is in the near future if nothing else :) .

ANd congrats razor, when I say school is easy it is for other reasons than just those joe mentioned. It is easy in a way b/c you know what to "do" to "suceed" in real life the path is not always clear that you should take (heh try never) I realize that many people change majors eight times so school can be like that, but for me I decided once I started I would go straight to the finish and worry about it afterwards so now I get to do the worrying and figure out what I really want to do...
Joe DeFuria said:
Don't let me dampen your spirits though....PARTY NAKED!! (For a few weeks, anyway...and don't post any pics! ;) )

.......*LB wonders around B3D as per usual, all bored and sleepy... when he stumbles upon those 2 words.............. And suddenly he awakes*

NAKED.... Anyone say naked?!