OMG I have a lizard in my room


Retarded moron
Just now I came out of the shower and I heard a drop noise after turning on my lights.
My gooness a lizard is in my room.

I thought about using the vacum cleaner on it but that would be creul.
It is small and looks cute.

What should I do?
Is it possible(yes I know this sounds stupid) to keep it as a pet?
If it came in on its own it's likely it'll also leave on its own as well. ;) Otherwise, just round it up in a cardboard box and toss it out. Don't try to catch and hold it by its tail as it might come off if your lizard is one of those little gekko things. (Yes, they do come off, I pinched a gekko by the tail on crete and it popped off. :))

I half and half expected the thread title to just be some kind of lure to make me click it, and then there'd be some weird kiler shit inside, haha!
I think it is a sick K.I.L.E.R thing.

"Slimy, small and cute", "vacuuming" and "pet" should give you a hint what he really saw.
I think most lizards are quite harmless, and actually do more good (eating mosquitos) than bad. At least gekkos are a kind that many people see as a good thing in the house. But I don't think they are very petting friendly (if they loose the tail, it certainly don't seem so).

It could be a good idea to check that it isn't one of the few poisonus lizards though.
K.I.L.E.R said:
My goodness a lizard is in my room.

Cat's bring them inside here all the time at my house. Down in Florida it's not unusual to see houses covered with them in the summer. They're funny because you go oustide and as you walk around the house the scuttle away from you and it's like the walls are moving.

K.I.L.E.R said:
What should I do? Is it possible(yes I know this sounds stupid) to keep it as a pet?

If you want to catch and release him outside, use a towel to throw over him and scoop him up in it. Then carry him outside and fling him gently into some bushes.

If you want to keep him, I would examine him gently and look him up on the internet and see what he is. Some lizards keep easier than others and then if you still want to keep him you would need to put him in a terrarium. Bascially a fish tank with a screen cover on top with some rocks and plants in it.

A small terraium for reptiles can be had in kits from pet stores for not too much. And some lizards can be simple pets to keep and care for. They require no emotional attention and they can be fun and interesting. But make sure your terrarium has the proper things, such as a hot rock (fake rock with plug) to lay on to be able to digest food properly. A heatlamp or window that has plenty of sun coming in through it during the day to keep a good temp inside the tank so he can function as he is cold-blooded. A water bottle to mist him with once a day after he has had a heat lamp or sun on him afer several hours, this is to help hydrate him, even the most desert of lizards enjoy humidity. Proper food for his size and a water dish. Not so much for drinking, as some lizards will drink and some won't, but many don't mind a splash. If he doesn't take to the water dish it can be removed, but try to balance his hydration by giving him another spritz with water later in the day.

Oh, and after handling any reptile, bue sure to wash your hands! :)
Much more fun to find a lizard than a scorpion :)

Found those in my room a couple of times when I lived in Georgia. The nasty thing is that they really like enclosed dark places (like the insides of shoes....though fortunately that didn't happen to me). It's a good thing most species of scorpion aren't very dangerous to humans.

Anyway, if it's not already gone, lizards can make okay pets. Being a wild animal, it's unlikely he'll ever warm up to you, but if you don't mind having a pet with no emotional attachment, then they can be fun.
Sounds like too much work. I think I'll skip the pet thing. :)
The guy ran away and I can't find him. Last place I've seen him was under my bed.
Scorpions sound cool.
I have a lot of geckos in my home, they appear from time to time. I didn't see it personally but my sister told me that a few years ago when she was clearing the house before the new year she found a lot of gecko eggs in a storage box. Most of them were already hatched. She didn't know they are gecko's so she opened one of them and found small geckos inside.
Ahh, I love living in the heart of the city. No slimey/furry wild things running around, almost no insects whatsoever, just great...
It'd be a skink. Harmless, and common in every garden in Australia. Also tail-detaching. I caught and kept a couple when I was a kid, they seemed happy enough living on the back patio in a big tub filled with dirt/rocks/plants.
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I've only ever seen a handful of spiders in my life.
If you live near a spiders nest that could be a problem.

Guden Oden said:
Scorpions are about as cool as those lovely spiders you got crawling around all over there in Oz... ;)
I suspect, Kruno, that this is one of the many counts on which you are the exception to the norm.
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There's nothing to do outside.
Inside we usually keep things clean.

There was a thread on OCAU where people were discussing seeing cockroaches in their households.
I've never seen a cockroach in my entire life, only in pictures and movies and games.