Old-School Games Revival


As I'm sure, many of you have had game experiences coming up through the years that were memorable (some more than others). I'd like to gather the best of the best from those in this forum, which franchises you all feel are worthy of bringing into the next generation (and perhaps which ones should die a horribly painful death ... er ... I mean which ones "aren't suitable at this time").

The list should be either franchises that currently aren't publicly/widely known or franchises that were revived but are perhaps on the wrong path in your opinion and need some adjustments (please at least a short comment on what needs to be adjusted).

For me:
Killer Instinct 1
Need for Speed 1 (steered too far from the original realistic high-end car race feel)
Power Drift
Street Fighter II (hasn't taken advantage of the tech available which at the time was a great looking/playing game compared to others on the market)
Punch-out (Wii!)
Altered Beast (wasn't done justice, still has potential)
Samari Showdown 1 (hasn't taken advantage of the tech available)
Shinobi (wasn't done justice- see ninja gaiden)
Diehard Trilogy (great on ps1)
Roadrash 2 (anyone remember the original mockup screens for this on 3do?)
Final Fight (wasn't done justice, still has potential)
Kid Kameleon
Golden Axe
Gameday (great mix of arcade and madden type sim)
Motortoon Grandprix II
Mariokart (the original still rules the roost far as gameplay is concerned but could use a tech overhaul)

There was another in the arcade that I can't recall the name of - it was a flying car shooter which was in a sit down cabinet in the shape of a car from tiato I believe. I think they made a port of it to psx. Great game world concept though with a heavy futuristic Anime influence.

I'm sure there's others I missed...
Robert.L said:
Police quest is the only franchise I would frankly liked to see back
That was a great game. I had the solution to Police Quest 1 printed in 'PC Review' they only instigated a giving prize policy a month after my solution was published grrr.

It took me bloody ages to realise that US phone numbers for emergency services and information were different.

For years I wanted to see '64' remakes of classic Nintendo franchises, and could never understand why it didn't happen. GameCube gave me hope with Metroid though.

So sign me up for modern adaptations of:

Kid Icarus
Bionic Commando

...I'm sure I'll think of more shortly, haven't thought about it in a while.
NucNavST3 said:
LOL, I KNEW you would be in this thread when I said Bionic Commando, lol.

LOL! Oh man, I didn't even realize Bionic Commando was already mentioned...

Ah well, now I need something else. Can't just put Kid Icarus up...

EDIT: Wait! You put down Kid Icarus too! NucNav, why'd you put your choices in the Chef-O quote box? Had me skip right over it due to that. ;) Great picks though.
Battle City
Intelligent Qube (power by Cell. LOL)
Metal Gear 1 and 2 (full 3D remake)

I have more in my head, but I can't remember their names.
metal gear as in the very first metal gear from 1988 for the MSX

and not metal gear solid from 1998 for the playstation ( which is the third installment )
NucNavST3 said:
I actually got more enjoyment out of the Kings Quest series, besides with TV the way it is now, I have had my fill of "police" "crime scene" "legal".

EDIT: and I don't know how many times I have to mention this but RC Pro AM rules ALL other "karts", lol.

I have first 2 Kings Quest games for Atari ST but i never touched them for some reason. and since my Atari ST went to haven i doubt i ever will

speaking of sierra games , space quest games where also good well the one i played at least was although extremely difficult
Chaos engine Bitmap Brothers (I not sure about the title but it something with engine) Great artwork and character design, multiplayer coop of course.

Alien breed Team17 same kind of game.

Elite II fontier would be nice with some new mmo elements.
Gunstar Heroes
Earthworm Jim
Forgotten Worlds
a REAL Ghouls and Ghosts
Arabian Fight ( for sega system 32)
Spiderman the videogame (System 32)
Rad Mobile
Alex Kidd
Golden Axe
Assault (dual sticks!!)
Ikari Warriors
Magician Lord
Sengoku (neoGeo)
Samurai Showdown
Raiden ( overhead shooter)
habbe said:
Chaos engine Bitmap Brothers (I not sure about the title but it something with engine) Great artwork and character design, multiplayer coop of course.

Alien breed Team17 same kind of game.

Elite II fontier would be nice with some new mmo elements.

Some stuff mentioned here brings back memories.

Some memories are very recent. On the PSP I've got Castaway, which is an Atari ST emulator and a bunch of the games mentioned here can be played on it. :) On the PC, you can do the same with the excellent Steem emulator. Great thing about the Atari ST emulator is that it's OS (TOS) is in the public domain, unlike most other stuff (kickstart is still copyrighted, as is all Nintendo stuff for instance).

I also had the Amiga for a while. If I were to make a list, it'd be far too long, but I'll try some quick memories:

Beach Head II (c64)
Elite (c64, ST)
Commando (c64 ... nice to see this as a forefather of, say, Gears of War :D)
Night Mission Pinball (c64)
BMX Simulator (800XL)
Super Sprint and that similar game with dirt tracks
Leisure Suit Larry I-III - Space Quest, Kings Quest, etc. (one of the main reasons i got a Roland MT-32 sound module, which i still have!)
Dune (because together with Turrican and Leisure Suit Larry III it had the best MT-32 soundtrack)
Sim City (ST)
Empire (ST)
Geof Crammond F1 GP (ST), and 2 (PC), and Ubisofts? version on 3Dfx
Civilisation (PC, ST)
Warcraft 2,3 (PC)
The Pro Pinball series (PC, PSX)
Gods (clearly a bit of a 2D God of War predecessor)
Xenon 2 (ST, Bitmap Brothers - there is no prettier game)
Blood Money (ST)
Captain Blood (gameplay in the end was original but a bit hard)
Warhead (great mission based space sim with awesome story)
Jimmy White Whirlwind Snooker (ST, Archer McLean! - this game is still great today!)
Populous, but even more Populous 2! (Peter Molyneux, ST)
Micro Machines v3 (PSX, hopefully v4 is as good - hey, i have the demo, going to check it out now!)
Tekken 2 (that first person view unlockable was awesome!)
Tomb Raider (PSX, the T-Rex level just ruled, and my first dive down a waterfall into the water and swim was also a very memorable moment!)
Body Blows (better than SF2 on Amiga)
Barbarian 2 (just for the instant death decapitation move and the nice samples on ST)
Wipeout (PSX - great music)
SuperFrog (Amiga)
Pinball Fantasies (Amiga)
Stunt Car Racer (ST, had link option)
Gauntlett 2 (ST, for which I soldered 2 extra joysticks on serial port connector for four player action)
Point Blank (Gungame, PSX)
Time Crisis series (ditto, PSX, PS2)
Pandemonium (PSX - hey, this was a great 2.5d game! You can still get it here and there, if you can find it, try it, it's a great platformer and uses the camera effects very cleverly. Hang in there, as the game gets better and better)

God, there has to be tonnes more. But some of these franchises still exist, so that's a bit ...
What's wrong with you people? I mean it's not like a 'list every game of your youth' type thing, y'know? ;)

Anyway if C64's allowed, add Wings of Fury and Mail Order Monsters to my list. As well as modern remakes of Arctic Fox and Sky Fox.
tuna said:
cause they are my 2 most favorite old school games of all time, thats why! :D

I would rather have them ported to the psp like megaman has been converted to 2.5D...OR maybe...put on something like xbox live arcade or playstations download system.
xbdestroya said:
What's wrong with you people? I mean it's not like a 'list every game of your youth' type thing, y'know? ;)

Man I just spent SOOOO much time on those games dreaming of what today's games will be like... I'm actually fairly disappointed by the difference between my imagination and current games... *shrug*

Although if I mention cough*Defender of the Crown*cough and I imagine Assasins Creed at night I get excited...
Defender of the Crown is an incredible game.

Man but I loved leading the Saxons to victory.
Hmm I'd have to say:

- FF2
- FF3
- Chronotrigger
- Battletoads
- Adventure Island
- Master Blaster
- Kung-Fu
- Supersprint

Ya..I'm a NES/SNES whore, so what!