Ok....I'm going to jump on the EBay bandwagon


I laugh at you! HA HA HA!
I skim gamefaqs from time to time to see if there are any rumblings about anything...and I ran into this amazing thread...

Amazing Thread!!!

If you've clicked the link..then you understand what i'm rambling on about. I just created an account called PS3Ninja@Yahoo.com......(Exploitation is fun!!!). I'm currently selling it off at EBay right now!!! (cast me $3 for the initial auction). I'm not asking anyone to bid...I just want everyone to see if I fail...or if I get RICH!!!!!! V_V....I hope theres some Ninja Lovin, PS2 playin, PS3 Dreamin..... person..... out there.

Heres to EBay!!! *raises a drink

Heres my auction PS3 Ninja...ready to attack!!!..ok..that was corny
hupfinsgack said:
You know, the person selling it could have created another ebay-account to bid on his offer, just to create a little buzz :LOL:

omg..people do that....heh...I only used a $3 on this auction..so its no skin off my back if I come out with nothing :)
I did a final revisement to the auction. I'm starting to sound more and more like an actual salesman. I'm also stretching some functionality that the PS3 may or may not have to help my auction out...:LOL:...damn... even a $20 bid would fricken rock (a $20 spot would be useful at some point in my life >.>). So far 87 people have looked at my auction...
I hate to say it, but that's pretty ridiculous (and not just the abuse of the English language within the auction). I've got my fingers half-crossed that zero people will bid and you'll be charged a (small) admin fee. eBay isn't about silly auctions, and items like this just clutter up the real sellers to a lot of people (I feel).

In other news, my Limited Edition Jesus Discs are nearly ready for auction! I expect $200 minimum. (They are certainly worth $5, anyway) :)

Edit: forgot to LOL at the "actual salesman" bit. Here it is: :LOL:. If you liked that, Paypal me some money. :|